Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mid-Morning Musings

On my way to the gym this morning my brain decided that it wanted to be on one of those kicks where it just thinks about EVERYTHING! This continued through my workout and through everything that has happened to this point. Good job brain. I guess you're getting some exercise too! Here are some of the things I've been thinking about:

- There are some things that I want in life, and then there are other things that I want that I can't get without getting the first things. I guess it's good cause I'll always be working towards something, but it's kind of frustrating too. 

- I have a love/hate relationship with being sore. I love being sore the day after a good work out because it shows that you really did something and all that, but when you are so sore that you have to walk around like an old lady and can barely walk down stairs and such.... yeah... ouchie. 

- Do you ever feel like you totally have what it takes to do something, but you just haven't shown the right people? And don't know how to show the right people cause you can't get to them? Well let's just say... I feel that way ALL THE TIME these days.

- Why is it so hard to get to the gym? I mean, once I'm there the work outs are hard, yeah, but it's nothing I can't handle, and I always feel better after. So why is it that I have to literally FORCE myself to get to the gym? Probably just flat out laziness.

- I have a dream. Lots of them actually, but this one in particular has been on my mind CONSTANTLY for the past.... I dunno.... 3 months at least. It's actually like a dream with a specific pinpoint in it, so my dream has been around for as long as I can remember, but the pinpoint has been around for the past 3 months, at least. That doesn't make any sense, but oh well. I want this dream to come true sooooo badly and I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen... but sometimes all I can do just isn't enough.

- Nothing bugs me more than when the TV's at the gym have the cooking channel on. Oh yes, please show me tons and tons of delicious foods drizzled in butter and/or frosting while I am sweating to death trying to lose the weight I put on by eating crap like that.... Grrrr.....

- I went to the gym this morning and am going to eat like a rabbit the rest of the day. I do this every day, and weigh more than I would like with a layer of chub over every muscle I have. I went to the grocery store this morning to get a little whey protein "shot" to hold me over until I can go to the store today and buy more protein powder and saw a toothpick of a girl in her pajamas buying soda, sweet rolls, and a ton of other delicious goodies... Sometimes I want to kick my genetics in the face. 

- I have roped myself into a daunting task/project that has to be completed by Monday at noon. I also have no desire to do this project... That sucks. lol.

- If Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson can be a famous, working actors that get a lot of decent roles (don't pull them off, but get them...) then why in the world can't I be a famous, working actor that gets some decent roles? Really, they're about as interesting to watch as my sister's lazy hamster, and less cute.

- I am in love with homemade protein bars. I feel like I am somehow cheating the system :) I get to eat two yummy, bready, sweet bars of yumminess and they only has 40 ish calories and 10 grams of protein. If I didn't know any better I would think I was eating a piece of cake! Huzzah!

- I am STILL getting calls, on average, 5 or 6 times a week for "Ryan Sparks." It has been that way since October 2010. Ok "Ryan Sparks"- CHILL. And STOP giving people this number! It is obviously not yours anymore and I'm sick of your debt collectors, businesses, friends, family, your favorite clubs, restaurants confirming reservations, and KSL people trying to sell you crap, CALLING and TEXTING ME. If anyone knows this Ryan Sparks person, please let me know, cause we need to have a serious chat. 

- I am really enjoying the progress that I have made with my "self image" issues. I mean, they are baby steps, nothing huge, but baby steps in the right direction. "Baby steps to the curb, baby steps on the bus, baby steps to my seat... Look! I'm doing it Gill!" 

- I love food. I just want to eat ALL THE TIME. There in lies my problem.... 

- In what universe is Kristen Stewart "the fairest in the land" over Charlize Theron? Ok, I get that it's supposed to count inner beauty too, but really... I mean... the Huntsman is prettier than Snow White... Also, I am going to second Radio From Hell in saying "If you're going to have Snow White lead an army, at least pick an actress who has some presence and doesn't tug on her hair and sigh the whole time." 

- I love how I feel when I am getting things done and working out every day and such. Really. It makes me feel like I am doing something with my life instead of wasting it away.

- I get frustrated with businesses that say "Please do all of this stuff and then make sure you ask us if you have any questions so that we can help you get your stuff done ASAP. Help us help you." And so I read the whole 50 page document they sent me in an e-mail so many times that I pretty much have it memorized and highlight all of the things that I need to do and have questions about, e-mail them my 6 questions, and follow all of the other instructions, and then wait for a reply..... For 3 weeks. I even called this business to make sure they got my e-mail a week after I sent it and they said they had just been really busy and they would get to it. Ok, I realize that you are busy, I realize that you have things you need to get done, but I sent that e-mail 3 WEEKS ago and it only has 6 EASY questions on it. Really. It's not that hard. You don't have someone that could answer them for me and send the e-mail back so that I can get on my merry way??? Help me help you help me. Yeah? Yeah. 

- I am realizing that there are connections EVERYWHERE! Seriously! People know people and all that jazz and if you can just find the right link, you can pretty much talk to anyone you want. I'm just hoping that my "links" will prove to be links to the right chain. 

Well, I'm sure I'll think of more stuff that I feel like I should put on this post... maybe I'll come back and fill more in later.... But I've got to get going on that "project" I mentioned above. Yay... It'll be good for me though. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love all of your blog posts lately. you are such an inspiration to me of someone who will work incredibly hard to get what she wants, and still remain positive. i am blessed to have you as one of my friends.