Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So, Seinfeld is supposed to be "a show about nothing" and this is a post about nothing.

Nice segue right?

Really though, I feel like I need to write something, to log something, but I don't know what it is... So here I am just completely and totally rambling until I figure out what it is I need to write (if I ever figure it out)....

Ya know, I haven't written about my weight in a while, and it has been on purpose, but I have to say... I hate this ongoing battle with my weight and my self. I don't know why I can't just tone up and be done with it. I mean, it's not like I'm not doing the work. It's not like I'm not eating healthy. It's not like I don't have muscle. I am doing/have all of those things. And yet I continue to jiggle. It just doesn't make sense. I feel like it's some cruel joke- "Ok Lindsea, you're going to have a body for the 40's-50's but you're going to be born in 1990." Haha really funny. NOT.

Anyway, enough about that. Just had to get it out of my system.

School is pretty much awesome this semester. I'm sure that come April I'm going to be begging for it to end, but for now, I'm going to enjoy the fact that I like school. Which hasn't happened in a while. I am feeling pretty good about my classes and everything seems to be running smoothly. I love all of those words.

Other random thoughts zooming through my brain:
- What qualifies someone as "beautiful"? I know they (whoever "they" is) say beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and I guess that makes sense to me. But still. I just wonder.
- I need to refresh all the math I ever learned so that I can test into 1050... yay...
- I have a very strong desire to follow the example of a dear friend and be less negative. I am not really a negative person, but I have a tendency to let people who are negative influence me to be negative... if that doesn't make sense to anyone but me, I apologize.
- I love design classes. I love the thought process. I love all of the drawing. I love the creativity. I love the opportunity to create. I love it all. I wish I could double major in Musical Theater and Design. Why is that not allowed?
- I have noticed that I am a little be OCD when it comes to my calendars and planners. They have to be perfect and completely updated ALL THE TIME. As soon as I realize something is missing I add it immediately. Seriously. I will drop everything I am doing to update my calendar and planner. Crazy? Maybe. Most likely.
- I have a massive blister on my right foot from breaking in my new roller skates (hugest smile ever) at classic skating. But let me tell you, it is totally worth it. I love skating! I have found a new lifetime hobby! Also, I felt pretty cool tonight when a lady on a roller derby team told me that I should join their team. Yup, I felt legit at that moment, if only for a moment :)
- I can not wait for voice lessons to begin.
- I'm remembering how much I love to play the piano... and how much I miss it. I am seriously terrible at playing the piano now... which breaks my heart. Not that I need to add another thing to my list of things to do during the week, but I think if I ever find a way to make money I am going to use a portion of it to start taking piano lessons again. It is a skill I don't want to lose.
- I am so grateful for all of the talent that I am surrounded by daily. Seriously. Some people are so ridiculously talented. It's awesome.
- I think $2 Tuesdays at classic skating are going to become a regular thing for me. I know, enough with the skating. But I love it!
- I tidied and cleaned my house today and did a bunch of laundry. I love the feeling of a nice clean house.
- I love dancing. It is so fulfilling. Even if I'm not the best dancer or the skinniest or the prettiest or even if I don't always point my toes... I love dance. It satisfies a part of my soul that can't be satisfied any other way. Thank you Dad for creating a love for performing and dance in my life. I LOVE YOU!
- I have the absolute best husband in the world. Really. He works soooooo hard and is such an amazing person. I am truly blessed to be his wife and to be able to be with him for all eternity. I am also grateful that he puts up with me as much as he does. He is so patient and kind. I hope to be more like him. I'm also super proud of him and his decision to pursue his dream of being a sports broadcaster. He is well on his way and I think he is great at what he does. And did I mention that he is HOT?! I know, I am so freaking lucky! I definitely got the better end of this deal. True love and he is completely sexy. Ok, I'll be done now :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


So I have recently started a shop on Etsy to sell my headbands! I am super excited about it. Please take a second to check it out and like my page :) It would be much appreciated! Also, keep an eye out for coupon codes and discounts that I will be sharing on this blog! Especially for the upcoming Valentines Day collection :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Here we go:

- Make a habit of going to the gym
- Focus on being healthy instead of skinny
- No picking my face or arms or back or anything
- Attend institute
- Make all my classes important and get good grades in all of them
- get back into piano
- Contribute to our finances by getting a job or something
- Be better about Journal keeping
- Be better about morning prayers
- Be better about my personal scripture study
- remember that every day is a good day if I have learned something