Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking Back

Looking back on the past year it is crazy to think about how much has happened, how much has changed, how much I've grown, how much I've learned, and so much more.... It's so interesting to think about the year in the life of a person, even if that person is only yourself. Actually, I think that can be the most interesting year to look back on, a year in the life of yourself, because only you can remember how you felt, what you learned, and all of the little things that no one else sees. I don't always take time to look back into the year I just lived when it is about to come to a close, which is a shame because I think that it is worth the time. So here I am, remembering the past year.

(These are just some and they are in no particular order)

Things I loved about 2011
- Experiencing all the "Firsts" with my husband (Ex: first Valentines Day, first Thanksgiving, etc...)
- Figuring out that paying bills doesn't have to be as scary as I thought it was.
- Getting off of birth control (not to try to get pregnant, but to stop the insanity)
- Getting a doggy
- Having a Valentine for the very first time in my whole life!
- Being able to attend the temple often.
- Really getting into my vintage clothing style/obsession :)
- Learning to play improv and being asked to be on the troupe (a life long dream)
- Learning to roller skate! And owning my very own pair of roller skates! Another lifelong dream :)
- Gavin coming home from his mission!
- Teaching the 16-18 year old Sunday School class
- Legacy
- The last Harry Potter movie coming out.
- Starting the Harry Potter books again.
- Voice lessons with Jim

Things I didn't love about 2011
- Having our house get burgled.
- Not getting to spend a lot of time with Brandon during school semesters.
- Getting super chubby on birth control.
- Being super overwhelmed with school.
- Not being able to handle Cooper for the first little while. And a little bit now, but it's better.
- The hundreds of dollars that we spent on medical bills for me.
- Demanding people.
- Not having air conditioning or heat (it wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't super comfortable)
- Gas prices reaching $4.00

Things I will always remember about 2011
- It was the first year with my husband!
- Macey and Curtis, Ellie and Brandon, and a BUNCH of my friends got married :)
- Celebrating our first year anniversary
- Learning so much about myself and making big life decisions
- All of the above and below things

Crazy adventures I had during 2011
- Birth control. Gah.
- Getting a dog
- Going to SLC with Brandon for our anniversary
- Going to St. George with Brandon and Legacy
- Cooper
- Putting our house together and figuring out how to work the married life.
- Learning how to very effectively use public transportation
- Public transportation
- Learning to cook

Movies I saw during 2011
- Thor
- Captain America
- Harry Potter 7.2
- Kung Fu Panda 2
- Cars 2
- Justin Beiber: Never Say Never
- Alice in Wonderland
- The Muppets
- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
- The King's Speech

Some of my favorite things during 2011
- Costa Vida
- The color yellow
- converse (I have 18 pairs!)
- vintage clothing, especially skirts and dresses
- Coldplay
- UP
- Tangled
- photography
- painting
- ice cream

Things that happened in the world during 2011
- 9.1 earthquake and tsunami in Japan
- Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton
- Osama Bin Laden killed by USA military.
- 7.2 earthquake in Turkey
- USA declares an end to the War in Iraq
- Elizabeth Taylor and Steve Jobs died (among others, but still...)

Long Time No Write

I feel a smidgen guilty for not "documenting" in so long, but you know what? I feel that it is more important to be fully in the moment and live it to it's fullest and then go back and write about it than it is to take time out of "the moment" to do so. So here I am being a total insomniac, listening to my husband sleep-talk, and playing major catch up.

First item on the docket: XANADU.
Holy Crap. Best show ever. I kid you not. There has never been a show in which I have loved every single thing, evert single person, every single moment, every single day, EVERYTHING, until now. This show was exactly what I needed at exactly the moment I needed it. What a blessing. I was reminded why I do what I do. I felt a love and passion that I hadn't felt for a while and it was so invigorating. And to make it even better, not only did we get to have an amazing 2 week run, but we get to do it again in February for KCACTF! I'm soooooo stoked. I knew it deep down in my bones that Xanadu would go to KCACTF, and I was not disappointed! I'm so excited and have never been more thrilled to put a show back up. Bliss.

I think it is just hitting me how sincerely insane it is to try to see all of your parents on one holiday (if, of course, your parents are divorced and remarried however many times). I mean, it's great to see family and all, and totally worth it, but geez! It is exhausting. Brandon and I spent Thanksgiving with his Dad's family and then my mom's family, which was super-de-duper awesome. I am so blessed to have so many great cooks in my life! It was soooo delicious, however, I must say I am pretty freaking proud of myself! I achieved a goal that I have been working on since I discovered what food was; only eating until I am "satisfied" not "full to the rafters." I only had a little serving of my favorite dishes and didn't go back for seconds! I am proud to say that I lost 3 pounds on thanksgiving instead of gaining 10 :) Hallelujah! Now if I can just apply that to the rest of my life, I am set. Brandon and I also celebrated Thanksgiving just the two of us. We had our own little thanksgiving dinner on black friday. We spent all day cooking and preparing and I made everything homemade :) I even made my very first turkey! We did this for two reasons: Reason 1) it was our first thanksgiving together as a married couple and I wanted to do the whole "First Thanksgiving" thing.. I know I'm a sap. Reason 2) I wanted the leftovers! We didn't get any from anyone else's houses so I wanted some for us. What can I say, I'm a fat kid at heart. It was so much fun. We dressed up in our Sunday best and set the table with our nicest stuff and dug in. It was splendid.

Can you believe it has been a year!?! I can hardly believe it, and then again, it feels like so much longer. How can it feel like 10 years and 1 day all at the same time? In all honesty, it doesn't make sense, but that's how it feels. I am seriously the luckiest girl in the entire world. I am so blessed to be married to such a kind, sweet, hilarious, handsome, loving, hard working, talented guy as Brandon. Seriously, I don't deserve him. But I am so grateful that he is mine and I am his. To celebrate our one year anniversary, Brandon took the rest of his unused vacation time off of work so we had a whole week to be together and do whatever the crap we wanted! We started off on Friday the 9th by going down to SLC on the frontrunner (free and don't have to worry about parking!) to see the new Jazz jersey and get a free hotdog at the energy solutions arena. We spent some time looking around the Jazz store, then went to our little hotel The Royal Garden Inn, which was super cute and nice for being pretty freaking cheap :) Love that. We hung around SLC all day and kicked each other's butts in Words With Friends, and then went to P.F. Changs for dinner! It was way fun and super yummy and I got to go somewhere that I had never been before, which is always a fun thing. After dinner we went to see The Muppet Movie then went back to the hotel for some snoozing. The next morning we went to the temple and did sealings. It was so amazing to be back in the temple (even if it wasn't the same one :(.... ) a year later doing sealings. It was a pretty emotional experience for me. So awesome. The next day, on our actual anniversary, we wore our wedding clothes to church (Brandon wore his suit, and I wore the clothes I wore on the way to the temple... I thought wearing my wedding dress to church was probably a bit much... lol) and ate the top of our cake, which was surprisingly amazing! Our freezer is terrible so I was super concerned that it wouldn't last, but it did! Happy! The rest of the week was great just getting to hang out with each other and be together, unlike we did during the semester. It was nice to be with my husband.

And more: CHRISTMAS!
Oh my goodness. What a fun time of year. And crazy. But mostly fun. Brandon and I decided that we were going to really start working on creating traditions this year. So the first tradition we established was when to put up the Christmas decorations. We decided on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so on the Sunday after Thanksgiving we put up our small pile of Christmas stuff. I love it. It reminds me so much of when I was a kid and helping mom put up all of the decorations around the house. My favorite was the little calendar that you took the presents out of the day and put them in Santa's bag so he had presents to deliver on Christmas. Oh nostalgia.
I also decided that I was going to start my own crazy tradition :) The Twelve Days of Ugly Sweaters! Yes, you read correctly. Wearing the most hideous sweaters that I can find for 12 days before Christmas instead of giving someone 12 gifts. I know, I'm a great person lol. This year not all of the sweaters were hideous, but I did the best that I could with what I had/could find. Also, I discovered that to do the 12 days of Christmas so that the last day is Christmas day you have to start on December 14th... not the 12th.. I don't know why this didn't click in my head until after, but that was the case, so I actually got to wear 14 ugly sweaters :) WIN.
Another tradition that Brandon and I decided to start was something that we did last year just because we didn't have time/money to do anything else! But this year it was planned that way and we had a great time. This tradition is going to Walmart with 15 dollars and 45 minutes with the objective of filling the other person's stocking. It actually turns out to be quite challenging because 15 bucks is not what it used to be and walmart is INSANE in December. It helps you not go overboard with the stocking stuffers though and is just a fun little thing to do.
Christmas was so great this year. I cannot believe how blessed I am to have to many wonderful people in my life and to receive so many thoughtful gifts. I have to say, though, that my favorite gift I received this year was from my dear sweet husband- ROLLER SKATES! My very own :) which is EXACTLY what I wanted! They are adorable. And I get to wear them in the remount of Xanadu! WIN! I got Brandon and Jazz watch and some other stuff, but he has been wearing his Jazz watch every day, so I'm pretty sure he likes it :) Cooper got a dog house (that is actually on lone from Steve because Sheeba and Kaiser died... so sad) and a bunch of new squeaky toys, which are his favorite! He loves the Christmas tree shaped one we got him. I'm not sure why.
Christmas was like Thanksgiving in the sense that we were running around like crazy people making sure that we got to see everyone. Which, like I have said, was crazy, but so worth it. On Christmas Eve we had the Packer family Christmas part (which was an ugly sweater party!!!!), then we went to Cris and Steve's for Christmas with them, then on Christmas morning we went to church, then came home and had Christmas at our house where we opened our presents from each other, then we went to my mom's, then to Colleen's, then to my dad's! It was so nice to spend time with our families.

Well, I think that is all of my catching up that I have to do... So now I'm just going to blab about life at this moment.

Tanya and Jace's baby is due in a month, which is so crazy to me. I am so excited though because I am baby hungry, but not enough to have my own kid just yet. I just want to play with a baby and then give it back to it's mama when it starts to get cranky lol. It's a little girl and I am super happy for them.

I am starting an Etsy shop for my headbands. It is a site online where you can have a little store and people can buy stuff from it and all that jazz. My mom has had a lot of luck with her Etsy shop for her pottery business and she said that I should give it a try. I have made a whole bunch of new headbands to put on there when I "open" the shop. I am pretty excited. I just hope that it ends up being worth it. If not, live and learn eh?

School is about to start again and I can hardly believe that the month of December has flown by so quickly. I am not excited to start school again. I mean, I'm not dreading it, but I'm not anticipating it like I used to when I was younger. It's funny how things change when you get older. Something's don't, like homework always sucks, but something's do, like being excited to go back to school after a long break. Oh well. Life goes on, and I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to go to school at all. I am seriously blessed.

Well, It is super de duper late, and my eyes are finally starting to get heavy so I think I shall bid thee farewell. I will be back soon though with new years resolutions and such :) Everyone have a fabulous New Year's Eve!

p.s. Pictures on the way :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Typical Newlyweds/College Students

I am realizing how typical (and not) my life is.


It makes me smile. I sometimes don't know why I find so much enjoyment in the things that seems to be so cliche in my life, but I do. They crack me up.

Brandon and I are both going to school and are freakishly busy which is fun, crazy, and hard all at the same time. It is so crazy to me that I see Brandon less now that we're married than I did when we were dating. It is really hard, but then again, it makes those moments when we get to really be together soooo precious. I cherish those moments. Even if all we are doing is watching a movie or doing homework together. Those moments have become so precious to me.

Along with being a crazy busy college student the typical cliche eating habits of such. It has become interesting trying to find things that we can hall around with us, that are easy to make, that are somewhat healthy, that are cheap because we're poor, and things along those lines. We have invested in a lot of canned food and frozen foods lately. Not exactly the most healthy, but we're living and not super fat or skinny. Kind of just in the middle :)

Money is always an issue. Well, not necessarily an issue because Brandon and I are super-de-duper blessed. But we definitely have to be more frugal than most people because we are going to school and all that stuff. Thank heaven for public transportation or else we would spend far too much money on gasoline and such. If you haven't used public transportation you probably should. It's a lot more helpful than people think and not as terrible as people imagine. Because Brandon and I are being super frugal, and have been ever since we got married, we have some things that we have never really used in our house. Such as our heat. I know, sounds crazy, but since we got married last December we have never turned our heat up above 50 degrees. Yesterday we were home all day long and it was a particularly cold November day so we decided to turn our heat up to 65 degrees! It was amazing! I didn't have to wear a coat/sweatshirt inside of my house! Ah, the simple joys.

Another thing that has been a little crazy/cliche with our life right now is our dog. I love him, but if any of you have ever seen Marley & Me, our life is a lot like that right now. Cooper is our discount birthday puppy. He is also a little pain in the butt. But we love him sooo much and hopefully will be able to get this under control soonish.

I love my life so much right now. I have made so many discoveries about life and myself in the past week. I went from being completely down on myself and not knowing where that side of me was coming from, to being able to be myself again and really feel myself growing and becoming more of the person that I want to be. I can attribute this discovery a lot to Jim Christian. I am so grateful for that man. He is so amazing. I love him very much and am grateful for him in my life. He is such a great man and has helped me so much. It is nice to be able to have a mentor and a person to help me through tough times that is not part of my family.

I am grateful for the discovery that I have made that I am allowed to be proud of myself. Not in a braggy conceited kind of way, but in a way that I am proud of myself for learning, for growing, for trying, for accomplishing, and for striving to be something better than I am. I am allowed to be proud of my work and that has helped me so much in my self confidence and my life.

I am also proud to be able to be a part of Xanadu. I am so in love with this show. It is such a light in my life right now. Going to the show every night is like going to an awesome party with my favorite people every single night. I love the cast, I love the crew, I love the designer, I love the director, I LOVE XANADU. Seriously. So awesome. Also, I get to have a fro :) Yes, and afro.
EVERYONE COME SEE XANADU!!!! Get tickets here :)

So, life is so good. I am so glad that I have been blessed with the life that I have and the trials that I have. I love my husband and the rest of my family. I am so grateful for EVERYTHING.

Oh, and also, this is my 100th post :) I'm so cool. hahahaha

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's OK

I have decided that it is OK for me to be proud of myself sometimes. Not in a bad, cocky way, but in a way that I feel good about things I am doing and things I am accomplishing. It's OK. I'm allowed to do that. I need to remember that. A lot more.

Also, I am super stoked for Xanadu to open! I love everything about this show. Seriously. I also love everyone involved. They are all such amazing, talented, and sincerely good people.

One last thing: I have the right and the ability to be happy. I can do it. Things only affect me if I let them. I choose to be happy. I need to remember this.


Monday, October 3, 2011


So much has happened since my last post! So here it goes!


In my last post I think I talked about a dog named Luna that we were trying to adopt. It fell through and she got adopted by the person who put in their application just before us. However, it turned out to be not such a bad thing that we didn't get her! Brandon and I went down to the Pet Smart pet adoption on September 10th and found "the dog." He is a boxer/border collie mix, is about 1.5-2 years old, is super fun to play with and loves us a lot. He is also a great dog for watching our house. He's got a jaw on him that I would hate to have clamped on my leg! We love him a lot. It has been a little rough with the whole "training" thing... but we're working on it and hopefully we'll be making some major headway soon. He is super smart, but he uses his smarts to get around what we want him to do. And/or he just ignores us. Stinker. But, like I said, we love him.


Rehearsals for this show have been so much more fun than I think any of us thought they would be! I love this show, I love this cast, I love Jim Christian, I love the music, I love everything about this process. I love being able to play around with my muse (Polyhymnia the muse of pantomime!) and getting to explore all of the different things I can do with it. I also love learning how to be an understudy! It's a lot of work and a little overwhelming, but it is such an amazing learning opportunity! I am loving every second of it! Seriously. So much fun. Rehearsal is probably the best part of my school day. No, it definitely is the best part of my school day. Also, this process seems to be going REALLY fast! We are way ahead of the game! Which is good cause it gives me time to work on my roller-skating... I'm not the best at it... But I'm working on it! Make sure to buy tickets, which you can do here! Yay!

Life is so good right now, and though I am not talking about all of it, just know that life is GOOD. I love it. It is super stressful with school and a new dog and rehearsal and homework and all of that stuff.... but that is life right? I mean... it has to happen sometimes. I am so blessed to have the life that I do and the opportunities that I have and everything like that. I love it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011



Yes, I am 21 years old as of yesterday.

And it feels absolutely no different! hahahaha

But does it ever?

Yesterday was so awesome. My amazing husband made my birthday a complete success! I love him so much. Because I love him, and because I can, I am going to go through everything he did for me yesterday. And because IT WAS AWESOME!

Before I woke up yesterday morning I could hear Brandon busily getting ready to leave for work for the day. Or so I thought. He woke me up moments later with a big omelet and some fresh peaches in my favorite yogurt! He had really been making me breakfast and served it to me in bed. He also told me that he had gotten work off for my birthday! What a gem :) seriously, I love him. So, I enjoyed my breakfast, and shared it with him because it was A LOT, and then got ready for school. He drove me to class and then said he would meet me back at the school at 11:30 for lunch!

During classes Brandon sent me an e-mail saying "Happy Birthday! Sorry it didn't get here in time for your birthday!" It was the confirmation to the purchase of a new camera! I am so happy. I will be taking this one with me everywhere I go so that no one will burgle it. They would be stupid to burgle our house now though. After going to pick up some cupcakes for Xanadu rehearsal, he took me to Golden Jade (yuuuum!) for lunch. We went to the park and ate it under a shady bowery thing. It was super fun to just relax and spend time with him during the day. That never happens on regular days! After lunch he took me back to class, which was really good, and then met me after with a surprise!

He had bought me all of the stuff we need for a dog! We have been wanting one for a while but haven't had any of the stuff to take care of it, or the time to go buy it all, so we had been putting it off. He then told me that we were going to go to the animal shelter to look at dogs! I almost peed right then and there.

We went to the Weber County Animal Shelter (which is WAY nicer than the Davis County one) and found the sweetest dog ever. Her name is Luna and she is a white lab. She is only 2 years old and super affectionate. She is a cuddle bug. But she doesn't like strangers, which is good. She had to warm up to us before we could take her out. She is super big too! I love her so much. We put in an application for her, but the only problem is that there was another girl who put in an application for Luna just before us. We can only have her if the girl that put in the first application doesn't come get her.... I'm praying that she doesn't cause I just LOVE LUNA. She is the perfect dog for us. But, if that other girl takes her, then I guess it just wasn't meant to be.... and we'll keep looking.

After we put Luna back in her kennel we hurried back to Weber State so I could go to rehearsal where we had an 80's party, watched Xanadu, and munched on 80's snacks. The cast sang happy birthday to me, which was both super happy and super embarrassing. In a good way though! Rehearsal was super fun and when it was over Brandon was waiting for me outside of the rehearsal hall. He took me home and made me a yummy (and healthy! Thank you honey!) chicken dinner! We then went on a walk, relaxed, and enjoyed our time together. We even got to fill up our new dishwasher again (I never thought an appliance could bring me such joy!). We got to bed early and were able to sleep with the windows shut without dying! It was fabulous.

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday! It was very perfect.
Thanks Honey for being the best husband in the world!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Challenge Day 19: Adorn your Head!

I love wearing things on my head! Also, I love it when it isn't 3 billion degrees in my house and outside so I can actually wear my hair down, AND A HAT! whoot :)

Oh, and aqua converse are awesome :)

Hat: Thrift
Flower on hat: Forget Me Knot
Sweater: NY&CO.
Shirt: Shades
Necklace: Bear Lake Antique Store
Pants: Target

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Challenge Day 18: Statement Jewelry!

Today I chose a necklace, not based on the necklace, but based on my skirt. I just finished making this skirt with my mom YESTERDAY and have been dying for weeks to wear it! So here it is! My happy yellow lemon skirt :) So I picked a statement piece of jewelry to go with my skirt that I am madly in love with!

Undershirt: DownEast
Shirt: Old Navy
Skirt: Hand Made!!!
Sandals: Old Navy
Necklace: Gifted from my Mommy

Cultivating Creativity

I'd like to think that I am a creative person. I used to paint, draw, read, or what-have-you every day (or close to every day) just because I could and wanted to. It was refreshing and helped me cultivate my own creativity.

Recently I haven't been taking as much time for my creative self. I am creative at school with my acting and design classes, when I do my Forget Me Knot stuff, and stuff like that, but it's different when you HAVE to do it. Ya know? It's different when you are being creative for someone else than when you are being creative for you and only you. There is something liberating about knowing that you can create whatever you want and no one has to see it unless you want them to. You can keep it for yourself and hold it secret for as long as you want or you can show it to people. It is completely up to you because it is completely yours.

In my Stage Costume class, Catherin Zublin let us watch this movie about being creative. Though it was slightly hokey and had some cheese in it, it was still very insightful and reignited that part of me that used to be creative just because it could be.

Here are some things I learned from that video:
- Seeing amazing things is up to me.
- Creativity is falling in love with the world.
- In every act we have the potential to be creative- It is a matter of perspective.
- The key to seeing the ordinary as extraordinary is viewing the situation, object, etc... through the right lens.
- There is ALWAYS another perspective.
- There is more than one right answer.
- Don't stop at the first right answer.
- Embrace change and be comfortable with knowing there is more than one right answer.
- Reframe a problem into an opportunity.
- Turn win/lose situations into win/learn situations.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes
- If we let our patterns go too long unquestioned they become our prisons.
- Don't be afraid to break the patterns of our lives.
- Train our technique; Vision without technique is blind.
- Put ourselves in the place of most potential- where we can find the most right answers.
- Life presents us with windows of opportunity.
- Don't give up.
- The window of creativity is always open, but are we open enough to see through it?


I really really want to try to do something creative for me every day. Wether it be dancing, singing, painting, reading, writing, playing piano, doodling, sewing, crafting, etc.... I just want to do something FOR ME, for no reason other than because I want to. HUZZAH!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Challenge Day 17: Repair!

PREFACE: I usually do my hair down and curly, or down and curlying-iron-curls, and only sometimes do it up or to the side.... however, my house doesn't have air conditioning and IT IS FREAKING HOT, so I have been wearing it up most of the time because when I wear it down I sweat so much it looks like I just got out of the shower.... gross.... I know....

ANYWAY, I chose this skirt out of my repair pile because I've been dying to wear it for a long time. I got it for free from this yard sale thing (the lady just wanted to get rid of it lol). It is probably like 5 sizes too big for me and used to be hideously floor length. So, a few safety pins, some scissors, and some duct tape later it looked like this! Whoot!

Sweater: Wet Seal
Shirt: Express
Undershirt: (ok it's really a sports bra) Target
Belt: Thrift
Skirt: Free from a Yard Sale
Shoes: Converse :)
I wasn't kidding about the duct tape.
I carried the rest of the role around in my back pack all day just in case :)
Oh, and I love my mother's dogs.... LOVE THEM.

Multiple Posts

So lately, I have been doing this crazy multiple posts in one day thing! I think it's because I just keep having these days where I feel so many things and have so many things that I love and find beautiful or fun and I just need to write them down! I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, it's just super crazy to go from one post every couple days or so to 2-3 posts every day! So forgive me for my recent blogging obsession. I just enjoy sharing the beauty I find and my thoughts and feelings. It's therapeutic to write them all down.

Yesterday, I had a pretty good day. Things started out rough, but they ended fabulously! It was just a relaxing, awesome, productive day. After school and everything like that I hopped a bus home and found those lovely, inspiring pictures on the train ride home. When I got home I worked on my project for my Stage Costume class, which consisted of me painting for 3 hours out on my lawn in the shade of my favorite tree. BLISS. I haven't taken time to really paint in a long time and I hope that I will be able to keep painting. If I keep on top of my homework I should be able to :) The trick is keeping on top of my homework! When Brandon got home from his night class we went to our friend's house and picked up the washer, dryer, and portable dishwasher that we bought from them! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! No more waiting to the very last minute to do all of our laundry, no more hauling all of our laundry to my mom's house and staying there for hours on end taking up space and feeling like you're in the way (lol), no more missing laundry because it accidentally got mixed up with my mom's laundry, no more dishes sitting in the sink for days because no one wants to scrub them down, no more spending unnecessary money on paper plates, cups, bowls, plastic utensils, and all of those other great things! YAY! Thank heaven for modern technology.

ALSO, Tanya found out what her baby is going to be! It's a little girl :) YAY! I knew it. Tanya needs a girl to dote on. Not that she wouldn't dote on a boy, it's just different! I'm so excited for her and Jace! And for me, cause I'll have a baby to play with!!!! Selfish, I know.

Wonderful things are happening, wonderful things are around us, and wonderful people are in our lives. I am so excited for life and everything like that. I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life and I hope that I can always be grateful and recognize from where these blessings are coming.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And I find beauty...

I am inspired.

I will be painting something similar soon.
It is needed.

Challenge Day 16: Menswear!

So, maybe this is cheating, but I don't have anything "mens" to wear, and my hubby didn't have anything that tickled my fancy. What I DID have though was this yellow and grey plaid shirt from the little boys section of Walmart :) Yes, I can wear stuff from the little boys section. Don't judge.

Also, white high-top converse! Seriously! It's an obsession!

Shirt: Little boy's section in Walmart
Cardigan: NY&CO
Jeans: DownEast
Shoes: Converse

Jeans are not my favorite.... I'm sure you know that. But yeah.

This is my gangsta face. Impressive huh?

and I love this flower that I bought from a 3rd grader :)

I have the power

Today started off great.

Not really.

I woke up late. Missed the train. I can't even pull up my favorite jeans past my thighs. I didn't get any breakfast. My first class is Accounting with a super dull professor. I can't find my yellow converse. It's freaking hot in our house.

BUT despite all of that, it is only 7:45 and I am going to make today a good day. I have a lot of fun classes today. Hard classes, but at least I enjoy them, and I am going to work hard in them and get everything done that I need to get done. I am going to go to the gym. I am going to eat healthy. I am going to get all of my homework for tomorrow done. I am going to feel good about myself even if I am not where I want to be. I am going to remember how blessed I am. I am going to show love to and be shown love by my sweet husband. I am going to paint. I am going to sing. I am going to be a friend and be helpful to those in need.

Today is going to be a good day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Challenge Day 15: New Hair-do!

So... I do my hair A LOT of different ways already... so this was really hard. And I started out with one hair do, and ended up with this hair do.... so yeah. I kind of hate it. But there are elements of it that I love. Such as this headband braid made out of my own hair :) It makes me happy. The rest of it is not my favorite though.

See.....? GROSS.

However, I'm digging my outfit today. It's my Remix outfit, also it is mixing causal and classy, also wearing something in an unusual way, also belting it! TA-DA! I'm learning :)

Also, red high top converse.

Dress: Thrift
Shirt: Thrift
Belt: Thrift
Shoes: Converse


Ya know, besides the fact that I am fat like a cupcake, hate my hair today, and haven't really had anything real to eat today......


I'm wearing a really crazy original outfit that I've gotten a few compliments on, even though I hate my hair it is up today so I'm not sweating to death (which is awesome), I got a good night's sleep last night, I took my vitamin D and meds, I went to the gym and had a great work out, I got cast in an awesome show (yay Xanadu!), I get to take voice lessons with Jim Christian again this semester, I love most of my classes this semester, I have awesome friends, and an amazing husband whom I love!


Today's the day!

Last week we had auditions for the other play going on this semester, Xanadu. The auditions were A BLAST and I felt that I did my absolute best! That is always a good feeling. Everyone in the audition was extremely talented and I feel that I am so blessed to be able to be around and learn from such amazingly talented people. Any of these people could be cast in the show and the show would be fabulous!

Today we find out the results of these auditions. To say the very least, I am a little anxious/nervous. Whatever happens, happens, and is probably for the best. But that doesn't change the fact that I do have my eye on a certain part, and it would be super awesome if I were to be cast as that part. I would probably pee my pants a little. Or a lot. I dunno. One thing I do know, however, is that Jim will make the right decision. Wether or not I am cast in the part that I hope to be cast in, I will be put where I can best serve this show. There are only 9 parts in the whole show... So it may be that my place to best serve this show will be on the Run Crew... I hope not, but if that's where I need to be, then I'll be there.

So here's to being all hyped up on nerves about cast lists! Ah! I definitely have a massive case of the butterflies.

Other news:
Jim just told me that I have been scheduled to take voice lessons from him again this semester! I am SOOOO EXCITED about this! I love taking voice from him and feel that I will really be able to work on progressing this year (now that the stupid birth control isn't messing with my voice anymore)


Sunday, August 28, 2011



I just want to lose a little weight.

Is that so much to ask?

I don't think so.

Challenge Day 14: Copy Cat

If you haven't noticed, I have a slight obsession with fashion from the late 1940's - early 1960's. If I had the money I would wear vintage dresses/skirts/pants/blouses/etc... every single day. Seriously. I am on my way to wearing pretty much only vintage (or vintage looking) clothing, but not quite there! So I chose to copy cat this outfit that Amber wears in Hairspray. I unfortunately don't have this exact same dress and needed to wear the sweater all the way on (or else I would have shown my religion lol) but my outfit is "inspired by."

Dress: Decades (actual vintage!)
Sweater: Old Navy
Shoes: Forever Young
Belt: Ribbon :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Challenge Day 13: Neutral With A Pop!

So, I always wear colors. Usually I wear a color and accent it with a neutral (or wear a color and accent it with another color!) so this wasn't really my favorite outfit. Better than jeans, but still not my favorite. It was hard to find something that didn't make me feel like a fatty... but I eventually ended up with this because it was the most comfortable neutral thing I have :) Still makes me feel and look chubby, but oh well.

Also, I wore my awesome red high top converse!!! They were the first pair that I ever got. I have had the since I was in the 7th grade! I love them!

Undershirt: Old Navy
Dress: Old Navy
Belt: Thrift
Shoes: Converse

Friday, August 26, 2011

Challenge day 12: Jazz Up Your Jeans

I am not a fan of wearing jeans. I rarely do it, and there is a reason (or seven) for that. Some of those reasons include: they make me look chubby, they don't really fit my "style," they're not a dress or skirt, and I don't fit into many of my jeans right now.... Sad day. However, I was glad I got to wear this shirt today. It makes me happy and is very comfortable. I don't know if this counts as "jazzing up" my jeans, but it was my best attempt. These jeans are actually full length skinny jeans, but it was way too hot for long pants so I rolled them up into long-ish capris! Done.

Also, I got to wear my white high-top converse :) I LOVE CONVERSE!

Shirt: Bought it off of a friend for $3
Jeans: Target
Shoes: Converse
Bracelets: Hand me down
Earrings: Gift from a friend

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Something Creative

One of the many classes that I am taking this semester at Weber State University is Stage Costume. It is taught by the amazing Catherine Zublin (probably the most talented costume designer I have ever met) and is turning out to be a ton of fun! We had a wonderful lesson on being creative this week (which I will be posting notes about because there is just too much goodness not to share) and for today's class we were asked to write a paper about something that we do that is creative. I decided to write about my little headband business-thing, Forget Me Knot. So that I have it for my "blogging record" and because I want to, I am going to post what I wrote in my paper. So here it goes!

A while ago I started making headbands for my little sisters and a few close friends. These headbands consist of fabric shaped into various kinds of flowers and topped off with a button. I have gradually started selling them to people here and there and have started a blog called “Forget Me Knot” through which I sell these headbands.
This has been a huge creative outlet for me. I love being able to combine different colors, styles, textures, and patterns to create something unique and beautiful. I also enjoy finding stuff to make my headbands out of. I think it is a lot more fun for the fabric to have a story than for it to just be something I bought at the fabric store. A lot of the fabrics I use are scraps from things I have made, my mother has made, vintage finds, and bits and pieces of scraps from costume shops and theaters. The buttons are all as random as they can be and have their own stories too.
I also feel that I am pushed daily to be more and more creative with my headbands because I have made a promise to myself and my customers that I will never create exactly the same headband for someone else. What’s the fun in having something that everyone else has? It is much more fun to have something unique. Therefore I am constantly pushed to combine fabrics in new ways, find new buttons with new stories, and design something that has never been designed before.
Since I started making headbands I have also tried to branch out and be creative in finding other ways to use my fabric flowers as accessories. Thus far I have come up with using them as clips, barrettes, broaches, hat decor, necklaces, and earrings. More ways to use my flowers are in the works. I am hoping that I will be able to make wedding bouquets and bridal party flowers in the near future. That will be a push for more creative thinking, and hopefully it will work out as I’m hoping it will.

If you would like to check out my blog for my headbands you can click here.

Challenge Day 11: Wear a Dress or Skirt!

I wear dresses all the time. Wearing pants is something I rarely do. So this was so easy and so comfortable and so fun for me. I was going to wear a skirt to kind of get out of my "comfort zone" (which isn't really getting out of my comfort zone, but yeah) but then I decided on this dress because I LOVE IT and I needed to wear something that expressed "me" for my costume class. So here it is! My dress.

Oh, and my pink converse :)
Dress: Decades (actual vintage!)
Sweater: Hand me down
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Converse