Friday, March 9, 2012

Ramble Ramble

Haven't written a post in a few days, and I don't necessarily have one specific thing to write about... I think that is a common occurrence for people like me who have a billion things going on at once. It is a little difficult to have just one thing to write about when there are soooo many things going on! So here is yet another post that includes some random ramblings :)

  • I have said it before, and I will say it again and again and again: I have the best husband ever. SERIOUSLY. He is such a sweet guy and I know he always has my back. He surprised me at my photo call for Tartuffe by coming in before he picked up the car and saying hi. It was so nice to see him, especially cause I thought that I wasn't going to see him until after the show the next day (I know, crazy huh!?). He is just so awesome. He is also so very patient with me. I am pretty sure that I can be a little insane, and somewhat hard to handle sometimes, but he always puts up with me and does it with a smile on his face. He also works SO HARD for our little family. I am so grateful for him.
  • Along with this whole "I LOVE MY HUSBAND" thing, I bought a book the other day. I don't know if I already wrote about his book, but it's called "Love Dare" and I really like it. It hasn't taught me anything that I didn't already know yet (But I am only 4 dares in... so I'm sure they're starting out simple and will progress....) but it is really good to be reminded of the kind of attitude I should have and the things I should be doing to show my husband that I really love him and to make our marriage strong. It's so interesting that the simple little things really do make all the difference.
  • Brandon does the KWCR Weber Radio 88.1 "Late Late Late Late Late Late Show" every Friday morning with Dylan Allred and this other guy named Nick... Cannot remember his last name... But anyway, I go with him at 7:00 in the morning so that I can sit outside the radio station and listen. Honestly, I love it. I love watching Brandon do what he loves and have fun with the guys. I also have a good times listening to them cause they can be pretty funny. It's a good time :)
  • The weeks have been going by so... weirdly (for lack of better word) lately. By "weirdly" I mean that on Monday I feel like the week is going to laugh forever... Tuesday generally feels that way too. And then all of the sudden, BAM! It's Friday. It's Friday today and I am seriously looking back on my week thinking, where did it go? But at the beginning of the week I though it would NEVER end. So weird. I have only ever experienced the whole week going by fast, or the whole week going by slow. Never both. Hm.
  • Tartuffe has been a good experience. I have enjoyed being in this show and being able to grow through this process. I have also loved playing this character and wearing my AMAZING costume. Seriously, that dress is so amazing. Dear Sean and Jean, thank you again for making me the most beautiful costume ever! It's a lot of fun. Tomorrow night is our closing, and though I am not glad it is going to be over, I am grateful that we have had a good run and can now move on to other things. It's time I think. It has been so good, but I think I'm just ready for South Pacific to start :)
  • Speaking of South Pacific, I am super-de-duper stoked about it!!! I cannot wait for my part of this process to get underway. I say "my part" because technically the rehearsals have started already, but because I have been in Tartuffe I haven't been able to be at the rehearsals for South Pacific. Bre is an amazing actor and very reliable, so I know that she will pass along all the information that I need to know, but it still makes me nervous a bit because I am missing rehearsals. I got my rehearsal schedule yesterday and there are 26 more rehearsals until we open... that is not a lot. And some of them I am going to have to miss. GAH! I can do this though, especially with Bre's help. I am so excited :)
  • Ok... we all knew this was coming... it can't be one of my random ramblings posts without at least one mention of my weight. Isn't that sick? I have issues... But anyway... I'm still going to talk about it. I was feeling pretty good about my weight loss situation for a second, and then all of the sudden I'm back to feeling fat and jiggly again. I haven't really gained any weight except for a little fluctuation here and there, but nothing serious. I guess I'm just not feeling it. I'm looking in the mirror and comparing myself to others (yet again, another horrible thing I shouldn't do, but it's hard not to) and I don't like what I see. There is some serious conflict in my brain... It stems from this: I feel chubby and when I look in the mirror I see chubby and don't like what I see "comparatively" to others, but people tell me that I look good and I'm not chubby and all that jazz.... So... Which is true.. Cause I am seeing one thing and people are telling me they are seeing another. I guess this means one of two things is happening: I am either crazy and have severe sight issues making it so that I see something different than what is real, or people are just being kind and saying that I look good. I don't want to think that people are lying to me or just being nice... but how is it that I can see something so plain in front of me and people can tell me that that's not how it is? I don't know if that makes any sense, but there it is
  • School is hard. I love it, but it is hard and I am tired. I really don't want to do summer classes... but it's in my plan to do so, and I don't think I'll graduate when I want to if I don't.... which sucks. I would rather get a job, spend time with my husband, and have a break so that I don't completely wear myself out and can have a recuperation period between semesters. That's not really an option though I guess so I just gotta suck it up and do it! :)
  • I am so blessed. Really, I am. I am looking back on what I have written in this post and I feel ungrateful... I'm so blessed. I have an amazing husband, I am in an amazing show, I'm about to start rehearsals for another show in which I have a dream role, I have great friends, I have the opportunity to go to a university and obtain a degree, I am doing what I love every single day, I have a healthy body that words and does what it is supposed to, and I lead a comfortable life and have a dang good living situation. I really am so blessed and need to be better about recognizing those things instead of the stuff that I feel isn't as positive. Suck it up Linds! There is much to be grateful for :)