Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Design on a Budget....

Why does it have to cost so much to make my house cute and a little more livable???

I mean, I'm not asking for much here... all I want is

- a fridge that works
- a kitchen floor that actually looks clean after I scrub it
- not disgusting kitchen walls (decode: I want to paint my kitchen)
- to hang things on my walls without chunks of plaster coming off
- Curtains.... needed in every room but the kitchen. As much as I love the blanket, sheet, jazz flag, and sheers that are serving as curtains at the moment... I would prefer not to look like complete white trash....
- a toilet paper holder
- a bookshelf for my office
- to make the walls in the office not look like someone threw up on them... (again... I just want to paint)
- to be able to put things away instead of having them out all the time (cute storage boxes/baskets/whatever...)
- to paint the unfinished wall in my bedroom
- a couple of shelves here and there to put pictures and stuff on....
- storage shelves for all of our doggy stuff

Ok, so maybe that is a lot to ask... but it's not undoable. I have seen people completely redo their entire house.... Do they just have loads and loads of money?!

I mean, I feel like I am being pretty frugal, picky about prices, DIY-ish, thrifty, and all that jazz.... and it is STILL expensive...

Sigh... First world problems.


Hannah White said...

That is how we were able to do a lot of things. It still looks nice and a good part of the time I for something new for the a better price than I would at DI. Love my bookshelf from them.
Good luck!

Robyn Mikami said...

It doesn't have to be expensive. DI other such thriftstores. Our whole house is a thrift store. It works, I promise! Let me know if you need help or want ideas :)