Friday, September 28, 2012

Tweet Tweet

Long time ago my sweet hubband said I should set up a Twitter account. He loves Twitter. Seriously, he is ALWAYS on it. And I have friends that love it, too. So I figured I might as well see what all the fuss is about.

I made an account, followed Jimmy Fallon and Justin Beiber, and never got back on it again.

Last night I decided I'd really give it a chance and got back on, added more people such as Ellen Degeneres, Ricky Gervais, Joseph Gordon-Levit, Neil Patrick Harris, a few other people I sincerely admire, as well as some news sites and such to keep updated on the going-ons of the world, and all of that jazz. I even put a picture on and the whole sha-bang.

I still don't know what all of the fuss is about. I mean... unless you're famous or have a large amount of followers your tweets don't really reach many people. But maybe I just don't know as much as I should about the tweeting world of Twitter.

As of right now I have 7 followers, of which I only know one- my husband :) I guess that is ok though. I mean, I don't really care.

Maybe when I'm famous I'll have more followers :)

P.S. I'm watching Sense and Sensibility and I just never get sick of it. The actors in this movie are just so great. I love all of them. Their acting is so honest. I love it so much. I wish to be like them someday.