Monday, November 7, 2011

Typical Newlyweds/College Students

I am realizing how typical (and not) my life is.


It makes me smile. I sometimes don't know why I find so much enjoyment in the things that seems to be so cliche in my life, but I do. They crack me up.

Brandon and I are both going to school and are freakishly busy which is fun, crazy, and hard all at the same time. It is so crazy to me that I see Brandon less now that we're married than I did when we were dating. It is really hard, but then again, it makes those moments when we get to really be together soooo precious. I cherish those moments. Even if all we are doing is watching a movie or doing homework together. Those moments have become so precious to me.

Along with being a crazy busy college student the typical cliche eating habits of such. It has become interesting trying to find things that we can hall around with us, that are easy to make, that are somewhat healthy, that are cheap because we're poor, and things along those lines. We have invested in a lot of canned food and frozen foods lately. Not exactly the most healthy, but we're living and not super fat or skinny. Kind of just in the middle :)

Money is always an issue. Well, not necessarily an issue because Brandon and I are super-de-duper blessed. But we definitely have to be more frugal than most people because we are going to school and all that stuff. Thank heaven for public transportation or else we would spend far too much money on gasoline and such. If you haven't used public transportation you probably should. It's a lot more helpful than people think and not as terrible as people imagine. Because Brandon and I are being super frugal, and have been ever since we got married, we have some things that we have never really used in our house. Such as our heat. I know, sounds crazy, but since we got married last December we have never turned our heat up above 50 degrees. Yesterday we were home all day long and it was a particularly cold November day so we decided to turn our heat up to 65 degrees! It was amazing! I didn't have to wear a coat/sweatshirt inside of my house! Ah, the simple joys.

Another thing that has been a little crazy/cliche with our life right now is our dog. I love him, but if any of you have ever seen Marley & Me, our life is a lot like that right now. Cooper is our discount birthday puppy. He is also a little pain in the butt. But we love him sooo much and hopefully will be able to get this under control soonish.

I love my life so much right now. I have made so many discoveries about life and myself in the past week. I went from being completely down on myself and not knowing where that side of me was coming from, to being able to be myself again and really feel myself growing and becoming more of the person that I want to be. I can attribute this discovery a lot to Jim Christian. I am so grateful for that man. He is so amazing. I love him very much and am grateful for him in my life. He is such a great man and has helped me so much. It is nice to be able to have a mentor and a person to help me through tough times that is not part of my family.

I am grateful for the discovery that I have made that I am allowed to be proud of myself. Not in a braggy conceited kind of way, but in a way that I am proud of myself for learning, for growing, for trying, for accomplishing, and for striving to be something better than I am. I am allowed to be proud of my work and that has helped me so much in my self confidence and my life.

I am also proud to be able to be a part of Xanadu. I am so in love with this show. It is such a light in my life right now. Going to the show every night is like going to an awesome party with my favorite people every single night. I love the cast, I love the crew, I love the designer, I love the director, I LOVE XANADU. Seriously. So awesome. Also, I get to have a fro :) Yes, and afro.
EVERYONE COME SEE XANADU!!!! Get tickets here :)

So, life is so good. I am so glad that I have been blessed with the life that I have and the trials that I have. I love my husband and the rest of my family. I am so grateful for EVERYTHING.

Oh, and also, this is my 100th post :) I'm so cool. hahahaha