Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I love my husband. Seriously. He is the best husband in the entire world and my best friend ever! Last night we were able to spend some time together just hanging out at home. We made a small dinner, folded some laundry, and just sat and talked and enjoyed each other's company. Though it seems so lame and simple it was a bliss moment for me. I am so happy with him. And just being there with him and being so happy together while doing the simplest of things.... I could not ask for more. He is the best EVER. Seriously.

More things that are creating "bliss" in my life (but not as much as Brandon creates!) are:

- Making my very own vintage style clothing! Thank you mommy for teaching me how to sew and thank you Mikami's for letting me borrow patterns! I am so excited!

- Being in a show that I love with new friends that I love! Seven Brides for Seven Brothers has been a blast, and mine and Brandon's opening night is tonight! I'm so excited to get into the run!

- Being able to hang out with my mom and sisters every now and then. It is really nice to be able to see them frequently. I miss them a lot when we don't get to see each other. I love them sooo much.

- Finally seeing the movie 500 Days of Summer. LOVED IT.

- Learning how to make the yummiest raspberry blackberry jam from Cris Garside! Thanks Cris! And being able to spend time with my sweet sisters in law.

- Deciding that, even though I want to continue to work on my weight issue and that it is still a goal in my life, I am not going to let my current weight situation effect my happiness. I am going to do my best to get to the point I want to be at, but I am not going to let the journey in between be a sad and miserable one. I have a wonderful life and no matter what pant size I wear I deserve to enjoy the wonderful life I have been given. SO I AM GOING TO!

Yay for being blissfully happy!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear JK Rowling....

Throughout the last 10 years or so there has been Harry Potter book after Harry Potter book, and HP Movie after HP Movie. My preference is the books (since they are completely and utterly brilliant) but I like the movies too.
As cheesy and strange as this sounds I am so grateful for these books. Not only have they provided me with years of entertainment but opened up a knew world for me and the rest of the people who have read them and have provided characters that I have grown to love.
Although I cannot say Harry Potter has changed or heavily influenced my life for good or bad, I am grateful for them none the less. I feel that these books teach good principals and give hope to those who believe that good will always triumph over evil.
I don't know how to express how I feel about these books. I know that it sounds crazy and stupid, but they are so real to me and mean a lot to me. I know that it isn't real and I'm not going to start dressing like in wizard's robes or carrying a wand or anything like that, but I am not going to say that the "moral" of the story isn't real and the things taught in it are not relevant in my life because they are.
"Of course it's all in your head, but why should that mean it's not real?" -Albus Dumbledore
I am sad to see Harry Potter end. However, I am so glad that it ended the way that it did. There is no better ending that could have been written, in my opinion. I know some of you will disagree, but really, I loved it.
Someday, in the future, I hope that my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on will be able to enjoy these fabulous books and connect to them the same way I have. I think it will be interesting to see how these books make their place in history. It is obvious that Harry Potter has been a historical event and phenomenon, I just hope that it continues to be loved by generation after generation.
So, there it is. My absolute nerdiness to the maximum. And I love it! Thank you Harry Potter! Thank you JK Rowling!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Although this has not been one of the most relaxing summers I have ever had, it is definitely turning out to be very fulfilling. I am so busy I can hardly keep track of all the things I need to do, but they are all things I love and am glad I am doing, so it's not so bad :) Actually, it is fabulous.

We've been on a few vacations with family and friends and are going on another one this weekend with Brandon's side of the family. I'm really excited! It should be a good time for sure. Also, our show is going well. Some dance numbers are still pretty scary for Brandon and me, but we're working hard on getting them ready for the show (which opens in 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!! Get your tickets! We're already 70% sold out for the entire run!). I am loving the new friends I have made, especially my sweet counterpart whom I adore. She is such a sweetie and we have a lot in common so she's super easy to talk to.

Independence day was a stinkin blast! Brandon and I lived it up and I couldn't think of a better way to spend our first 4th of July as a married couple! We had breakfast with our neighbors, made a giant slip and slide, watched the parade, took a nap, went to the movies and saw Cars 2 (which was super cute and I loved it!), hung out with my grandparents and cousins and had some dinner, then went to the fireworks with my mom's family and Brandon's mom and sister! It was so much fun. Best first 4th of July ever. It's crazy to think that last 4th of July we weren't even engaged and I didn't even know that the proposal was coming anytime soon! I'm so grateful that I am married to the love of my life. Seriously. There is nothing better.

On a side note: I have recently found out that I have a gluten intolerance. That's right folks. No more gluten for me. Although it is tough, and gluten free substitutes are expensive, I have noticed that I feel a lot better and (excuse me) have a lot more bowel movements! Hallelujah! Hopefully this will aid in my weight loss as well, as long as I don't go overboard on the gluten free bread and cereal! I am also looking in to other issues that might be affecting my weight loss situation (or lack of weight loss) so hopefully something good comes from all of this.

Anyway, this summer has been awesome and I know that more awesomeness is yet to come! I am grateful for a wonderful life that is filled with so much love and happiness!