Monday, July 23, 2012

Hot Diggity Dog!


Long time no blog. Sorry bout that. But eh, tis the way, no? MUCH has happened in the last little while. And I am pretty darn stoked about all of it. Let me fill you in a teensy.

(before I get on to the awesome good stuff that is filling my life with happiness, let me first tell you what my all time favorite thing in the world is- CONSTANTLY being sweaty. I know, you're so jealous right now. Tis the way as of late because of the intense heat, and no air conditioning in our 1932 log cabin. Yaaaayyyyyyy....)

Ok, now really the good stuff:

I am eating healthy (and Brandon is most of the time) and LOVING it. Really. It is so great. I am discovering that you don't have to eat rabbit food the same way rabbits do. I have found/made up/borrowed a lot of really wonderful recipes that are so delicious, but they are completely and totally good for you! Also, I am learning to love the simpleness of raw fruits and veggies. I have always loved them, but it was more like I loved them if I didn't have to eat them all the time. I love them now, even when I am eating them all the time. It's kinda great.

Learning to make everything you could ever need yourself is really great. I mean, obviously you're going to have to buy flour, eggs, milk, and stuff like that, but knowing that your whole wheat bread really is whole wheat and everything that is in it and that your peanut butter is made only from peanuts and has no preservatives is somewhat freeing. As weird as that sounds.

I have decided that I want to do a triathlon. But since I am not all that much of a runner to begin with I decided I should start small and work my way up. So, I am running a 5k on September 8th, and am completely stoked. I have started "training" for it and though I kind of hate it at times, I am glad I am doing it. After my 5k I am going to do a 10k, and then whatever else I feel like I need to do before I do my triathlon. I am super stoked. It feels good to have something that scares you to work toward.

My kitchen is green, my bedroom is orange, and soon my office with be blue! I love it soooo much! I feel like I am finally making progress on our house and the projects that I have started. I just have to keep going. It all has to be done before school starts on August 27th! (I think that is when school starts...) Pictures will be coming when I get the whole house finished.

Speaking of school, I just discovered last night that I can graduate this spring!!! Which is so great because I thought that I was going to have to stick it out until spring of 2014!!!! HUZZAH! I can't tell you how good it feels to know that they end is so near. I could weep. :)

Two years ago today, in Nauvoo, Illinois, the man of my dreams asked me to share eternity with him. I am sure glad I said yes!!!!! I LOVE MY HUBBAND!!!!!!!!!

Last, but definitely not least, today is my beautiful mother's birthday. I love you mom!!!! I hope this year is just as great, if not better, than the last :)