Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mid-Morning Musings

On my way to the gym this morning my brain decided that it wanted to be on one of those kicks where it just thinks about EVERYTHING! This continued through my workout and through everything that has happened to this point. Good job brain. I guess you're getting some exercise too! Here are some of the things I've been thinking about:

- There are some things that I want in life, and then there are other things that I want that I can't get without getting the first things. I guess it's good cause I'll always be working towards something, but it's kind of frustrating too. 

- I have a love/hate relationship with being sore. I love being sore the day after a good work out because it shows that you really did something and all that, but when you are so sore that you have to walk around like an old lady and can barely walk down stairs and such.... yeah... ouchie. 

- Do you ever feel like you totally have what it takes to do something, but you just haven't shown the right people? And don't know how to show the right people cause you can't get to them? Well let's just say... I feel that way ALL THE TIME these days.

- Why is it so hard to get to the gym? I mean, once I'm there the work outs are hard, yeah, but it's nothing I can't handle, and I always feel better after. So why is it that I have to literally FORCE myself to get to the gym? Probably just flat out laziness.

- I have a dream. Lots of them actually, but this one in particular has been on my mind CONSTANTLY for the past.... I dunno.... 3 months at least. It's actually like a dream with a specific pinpoint in it, so my dream has been around for as long as I can remember, but the pinpoint has been around for the past 3 months, at least. That doesn't make any sense, but oh well. I want this dream to come true sooooo badly and I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen... but sometimes all I can do just isn't enough.

- Nothing bugs me more than when the TV's at the gym have the cooking channel on. Oh yes, please show me tons and tons of delicious foods drizzled in butter and/or frosting while I am sweating to death trying to lose the weight I put on by eating crap like that.... Grrrr.....

- I went to the gym this morning and am going to eat like a rabbit the rest of the day. I do this every day, and weigh more than I would like with a layer of chub over every muscle I have. I went to the grocery store this morning to get a little whey protein "shot" to hold me over until I can go to the store today and buy more protein powder and saw a toothpick of a girl in her pajamas buying soda, sweet rolls, and a ton of other delicious goodies... Sometimes I want to kick my genetics in the face. 

- I have roped myself into a daunting task/project that has to be completed by Monday at noon. I also have no desire to do this project... That sucks. lol.

- If Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson can be a famous, working actors that get a lot of decent roles (don't pull them off, but get them...) then why in the world can't I be a famous, working actor that gets some decent roles? Really, they're about as interesting to watch as my sister's lazy hamster, and less cute.

- I am in love with homemade protein bars. I feel like I am somehow cheating the system :) I get to eat two yummy, bready, sweet bars of yumminess and they only has 40 ish calories and 10 grams of protein. If I didn't know any better I would think I was eating a piece of cake! Huzzah!

- I am STILL getting calls, on average, 5 or 6 times a week for "Ryan Sparks." It has been that way since October 2010. Ok "Ryan Sparks"- CHILL. And STOP giving people this number! It is obviously not yours anymore and I'm sick of your debt collectors, businesses, friends, family, your favorite clubs, restaurants confirming reservations, and KSL people trying to sell you crap, CALLING and TEXTING ME. If anyone knows this Ryan Sparks person, please let me know, cause we need to have a serious chat. 

- I am really enjoying the progress that I have made with my "self image" issues. I mean, they are baby steps, nothing huge, but baby steps in the right direction. "Baby steps to the curb, baby steps on the bus, baby steps to my seat... Look! I'm doing it Gill!" 

- I love food. I just want to eat ALL THE TIME. There in lies my problem.... 

- In what universe is Kristen Stewart "the fairest in the land" over Charlize Theron? Ok, I get that it's supposed to count inner beauty too, but really... I mean... the Huntsman is prettier than Snow White... Also, I am going to second Radio From Hell in saying "If you're going to have Snow White lead an army, at least pick an actress who has some presence and doesn't tug on her hair and sigh the whole time." 

- I love how I feel when I am getting things done and working out every day and such. Really. It makes me feel like I am doing something with my life instead of wasting it away.

- I get frustrated with businesses that say "Please do all of this stuff and then make sure you ask us if you have any questions so that we can help you get your stuff done ASAP. Help us help you." And so I read the whole 50 page document they sent me in an e-mail so many times that I pretty much have it memorized and highlight all of the things that I need to do and have questions about, e-mail them my 6 questions, and follow all of the other instructions, and then wait for a reply..... For 3 weeks. I even called this business to make sure they got my e-mail a week after I sent it and they said they had just been really busy and they would get to it. Ok, I realize that you are busy, I realize that you have things you need to get done, but I sent that e-mail 3 WEEKS ago and it only has 6 EASY questions on it. Really. It's not that hard. You don't have someone that could answer them for me and send the e-mail back so that I can get on my merry way??? Help me help you help me. Yeah? Yeah. 

- I am realizing that there are connections EVERYWHERE! Seriously! People know people and all that jazz and if you can just find the right link, you can pretty much talk to anyone you want. I'm just hoping that my "links" will prove to be links to the right chain. 

Well, I'm sure I'll think of more stuff that I feel like I should put on this post... maybe I'll come back and fill more in later.... But I've got to get going on that "project" I mentioned above. Yay... It'll be good for me though. 

About Today

Things I loved about today:

Sleeping in enough to feel rested, but not enough to feel groggy (8:30. Perfect!)
Waking up with purpose and ready to get things done.
Home made protein bars that taste like carrot cake, but are still good for you. SCORE!
Buying a present for a friend who so deserves it. 
Playing with my adorable doggy but knowing that he'll rip anyone's head off that shouldn't be trusted :)
Finding a somewhat easy way to make $50-$300.
Finishing a tube of chapstick before losing it.
Sweet texts from my hubby.
Making a skirt without a pattern.
Chips and salsa.
An entire cup of chocolate chips. Oops....
Being so extremely sore from my work out yesterday. Huzzah!
Believing in myself.
Finding a connection that could be really useful.
Justin Bieber's new song "Die In Your Arms." Go ahead and judge me. I love him.
Admiring the sweetness of my adorable Chloe. 
Her innocence.
Hand me down/new clothes from mommy. Heee :)
Driving, singing, and talking with Caitlin.
Loving how extremely talented she is. 
Talks with good friends.
Adorable children.
Dancing my butt off. 
Knowing that you had a day full of purpose and productivity. 
Feeling completely exhausted.
Kissing my husband on the cheek while he sleeps and watching him smile.
Thinking about all the good in my life. 
Reading my scriptures and appreciating the direction they give.
Curling up in my bed and sleeping a good sleep (hopefully).


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This is my new ring :)
It is hand crafted and made of amber and sterling silver.
I bought it for 3 reasons:

1- To congratulate myself for achievements made recently
2- To remind myself to have good posture
3- Because it is soooo pretty :)

However, the more I wear it and look at the, the more I realize that this ring is a reminder of more things than just the 3 reasons I bought it.

1- Amber takes a waaaaaay long time so become amber. It takes years to become what it is meant to be.
2- Even once it is amber, it has imperfections.
3- Though the amber has imperfections it is still very beautiful.

So maybe, it sounds cheesy, but I think I need to remember those things as if I were the amber. And my ring is helping me remember them, every day.
I love my new ring :)

Friday, May 25, 2012


Today I heard some horrifying news from my sweet husband.

"It is rumored that the director of Catching Fire is seeking out Robert Pattinson to play Finnick Odair."


let me repeat: THIS IS NOT OK!!!!!

I will be sooooo upset if he plays Finnick. For some strange reason Robert Pattinson always gets cast as the hottest character in every major book series that has come out in the past 6 years. Seriously.

Cedric Diggory- Robert Pattinson

Edward Cullen- Robert Pattinson

And now possibly Finnick Odiar!?!?!?

This was made by my husband. I have the greatest husband ever :)

WHAT THE CRAP PEOPLE!?! I mean, sure maybe he can act a little, but his performance in Twilight was more than underwhelming (granted I only saw the first two, but I can't imagine they got better...) and he played Cedric in the most flat and boring way possible. Sure he's probably great in other stuff. Ok, let him be in other stuff. Stop casting him as the EXTREMELY HOT AND YOU HAVE TO LOVE THEM character. Cause he's just not that. Ok? Ok.

Here are my reasons for not wanting Robert Pattinson to play Finnick Odair (in no particular order):

- Finnick has to be someone who every LOVES or it just doesn't work. If half of the people that go to see the movie don't like Robert Pattinson, then the story doesn't work. 

- He's supposed to be buff, handsome, have bronze hair and sea colored eyes (granted, the last two can be fixed with hair dye and contacts, but still). I don't think Robert Pattinson has ANY of those qualities. 

- I can think of at least 50 guys who fit the description of Finnick better than Robert. 

- His acting in his previous movies has not proved that he is capable of the depth Finnick needs. NEEDS. Finnick is not some emo throughout the story, he has deep emotional issues AND is fun to be around. He has a personality. 

- If they're looking for someone with a fan base, there are PLENTY of young, attractive actors that have big fat fan bases. Just because he has the "most recent" fan base doesn't mean a darn thing.

- He needs to be a hunky Brad Pitt tyepe, not a sick looking skinny kid. 

- He just doesn't fit the type. Flat out. If you get on Pinterest and search "Finnick Odair" Robert Pattinson shows up ONCE, but a lot of other extremely attractive men show up MULTIPLE times. It's obvious that people didn't imagine him as Finnick.

- Finnick has to be someone that everyone (men, women, gay, straight, etc.) WANT to see draped in nothing but a fishnet. Not someone who will make us nauseous if we see him draped in nothing but a fishnet. I mean... they had to air brush his abs on him in Eclipse and even then they looked awful. They can't find someone with decent abs????

Here are just a few pictures of some of the men I think would be more than acceptable to play Finnick:

Alex Pettyfer

Jeremy Sumpter

Armie Hammer

Garret Hedlund

Chris Zylka

I know, I know... Zac Efron? But he's got the abs and the eyes, and he's a good actor. So it's better than Robert Pattinson.

Mat Lanter

If they're looking for someone with a "fan base" how about Matthew Lewis??? He's HOT now! Let's give him a chance to be the hot guy in a movie. 

Thomas McDonell

Chace Crawford
Chris Pine

There are TONS more options... I would be satisfied with any of these options, or one that looks like them. But nooooooo they're thinking about casting this:


I'm quite a fan of Garret Hedlund myself. Observe:

But, like I said, I will be pleased with any of those fine gentlemen or anyone that looks similar to them. I mean, the least they can do is pick someone with an acceptable six pack...

And I totally wouldn't be mad if this was Annie Cresta:

Don't judge me. A girl can dream........

So, what are your thoughts? Who do YOU think should play Finnick?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thrift Store Adventures!

As has been my past couple days, my day was filled with scouring every thrift store I could find for things that fit my "vision" for my redesigning/finishing of some of the rooms in my house. Oh, and spending four hours in my car with Caitlin as we drove to the farthest possible part of the Park City-ish area to pick up a bookshelf that I bought from a guy off of KSL. I would tell you more, but that's a whole post on it's own! It was quite an entertaining day, truth be told, even though I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off for most of it. My thrift store adventures of the day were as follows:

1) Savers- I seriously looked like crazy person, putting things in my cart, then deciding against it and putting them back, then putting more things in my cart, then deciding against them and putting them back too. I eventually came out of Savers empty handed. That's ok though, cause I pretty much cleaned out the Layton Savers yesterday, which incidentally has way better stuff and way better prices (consistently) than the Ogden Savers.

2) Tuesday Morning (not really a "thrift" store, but discounted)- I love and hate this store all at the same time. Because things are discounted so much it feels like everything is a good deal, but then you look at the amount of money you'll be spending on the few items you have in your hand and you realize, sometimes it's still too expensive. Especially when I have resolved to now never spending more than $10 on anything (and it better be pretty dang good to even be worth $10.. hahaha). So while I was here I picked out four or five different one panel packages of curtains and then decided against all of them. I had a good time entertaining myself with all of the crazy stuff they have in there though. It's a "Christmas Figurine" collector's heaven. I kid you not.

3) Big Deal Outlet- I am soooo tempted to spend far too much money at this store. Seriously. It's a great place. And there were neon colored converse there today... Don't worry... I resisted temptation. But it was hard. Although I was tempted to buy a little bit of everything they had there, especially the cookies, I resisted and came out with two mason jars for a project for my bathroom. I was really excited cause all of my mason jars are the wrong size and there weren't any at Layton Savers, Ogden Savers, Layton DI, or Ogden DI. I know.... surprising right??? My little mason jars cost me a $1.50 all together. I am very pleased :)

4) Pennies for Pets Thrift Store- No I am not kidding about the name. Though this little store was somewhat junky and didn't have much to offer, I hung around for quite a while. This was because of an adorable kitten that was there. Just wandering around the store! This thrift store takes all of the money that they make and gives it to the animal shelter or to the help of finding animals homes and foster parents and such. That's pretty adorable if you ask me. I guess they had a bunch (and by a bunch I mean 19) kittens just dropped off at the store to be put up for adoption and such and the little one following me around the store was the only one that didn't get adopted or taken into a foster home. I held it and played with it and wanted to take it home SO BAD. Seriously. And though it nearly killed me, I eventually left the store without the kitten, broken hearted. I really was so sad. I still kind of am. I love cats. I thought it in the kitten's best interest to let someone else take it in, though, cause I was afraid Cooper would kill it. Not on purpose of course, Cooper just loves little things that squeak... yeah.....

5)  Doug's Trade Post- I can't believe I have never been in this store before. Honestly, it isn't much to look at on the outside... or the inside... I almost drove right past it without even noticing it...  and there really isn't much of a selection or any items that would draw people in... but the old man that owns the store is a gem. After greeting me when I walked in he sat down in a rocking chair (that was for sale) and dozed off. I wandered around the shop looking at all of the random things he had collected, and probably traded, over the years. He didn't move or make a sound for a good 20 minutes while I looked. I happened upon some cute little glazed ceramic (or something like it) birds that I thought would go beautifully in my bathroom and decided it was time to wake him. I woke him as gently as I could and asked him how much the three birds I had picked out were. He said he'd give me all three for $5! SOLD! When I got up to the counter I realized that there wasn't a register... He had a cash box, and nothing else. I asked if he only accepted cash and checks and he said that was right. I told him I would have to come back for the birds after I had gone to an ATM (duh, I should have cash on me if I'm going thrift shopping. You never know if those old places have electricity or not lol) so that I could pay for them. He handed me the bag that he had carefully wrapped and placed the birds in and said, "You can take them now. Just get me the $5 when you can. I trust you." He then smiled at me, winked, and sat back down in the chair. I thanked him probably around 10 times and promised him even more times than that that I would bring him the money as soon as I could get to an ATM. He did nothing but smile and say, "I'm not worried." I hurried over to the gas station, got some cash, and came back. He had already dosed off by the time I came back and I had to wake him again to give him the money. He gave me a big smile and said, "You didn't have to hurry to get it to me." I told him that it was no problem and thanked him again before leaving. What a sweet man. I am so grateful for people like him. Honestly, I was a little nervous to wake him at first... He looked like he could have been one of those "Carl Fredrickson," "Get off my porch you kids," kind of old guys. But he was nothing of the sort. Not only did he make my day with giving me the birds at such a great price, but he brightened my day by being so kind and by placing trust in me without even knowing me. That is an uncommon, and sadly sometimes foolish, thing to do these days. I am grateful that I was able to keep his trust and fulfill my end of the deal.

All in all, it was a good day of thrift store shopping. I am excited to put all of the finds that I have gathered over the past week together in my house. Pictures to come!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Design on a Budget....

Why does it have to cost so much to make my house cute and a little more livable???

I mean, I'm not asking for much here... all I want is

- a fridge that works
- a kitchen floor that actually looks clean after I scrub it
- not disgusting kitchen walls (decode: I want to paint my kitchen)
- to hang things on my walls without chunks of plaster coming off
- Curtains.... needed in every room but the kitchen. As much as I love the blanket, sheet, jazz flag, and sheers that are serving as curtains at the moment... I would prefer not to look like complete white trash....
- a toilet paper holder
- a bookshelf for my office
- to make the walls in the office not look like someone threw up on them... (again... I just want to paint)
- to be able to put things away instead of having them out all the time (cute storage boxes/baskets/whatever...)
- to paint the unfinished wall in my bedroom
- a couple of shelves here and there to put pictures and stuff on....
- storage shelves for all of our doggy stuff

Ok, so maybe that is a lot to ask... but it's not undoable. I have seen people completely redo their entire house.... Do they just have loads and loads of money?!

I mean, I feel like I am being pretty frugal, picky about prices, DIY-ish, thrifty, and all that jazz.... and it is STILL expensive...

Sigh... First world problems.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

You might still be a 7 year old if....

You might still be a 7 year old (at heart) if....

All you REALLY want to do right now is watch a movie out on the lawn with your dog an special someone. 

All you want to eat is banana bread and dry cereal in a zip-lock bag.

You have been running around barefoot the entire week.

You'd rather stab yourself in the eye than clean your room.

You can't stop singing Disney songs.

You're dying for it to rain so you can go splash in the puddles.

You have comic books in your purse.

You are either wearing PJ's that have smiling suns on them or a floral patterned sundress (still barefoot).

The two places you want to go most at this very moment are the Zoo and Disneyland (mostly Disneyland... duh). 

I might still be a 7 year old.... :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Licking the Spoon

There are some days when I find myself thinking.... "Am I getting all that I can out of today?" Truthfully, I don't know if I can ever truly know the answer to that question, but I do know that there is nothing more satisfying than going to bed at night thinking that I got the best of every situation, found the good in every nook and cranny, and made my lemons into lemonade (or sometimes just enjoyed the delicious lemonade that came pre-made!)

I had some bananas that were a little overripe so I decided to make banana bread today. With milk chocolate chips. YUM. Not exactly within my "healthy eating" plan, but I'll just have a couple pieces and then make Hubby take it to work :) One thing I have tried to stop myself from doing over the years, but decided that it's not worth it to battle with myself over it, is licking the spoon (and depending on how sweet deprived I am, sometimes the entire bowl). In all honesty, I think licking the spoon has become one of my favorite things about baking/cooking/whatever. Taking that minute or two to really lick all of the gooey goodness from the spoon and having nothing else to think about but that is really something special. I know, I sound so dumb right now, but I don't care! 

As I was licking my spoon (or in this case my spatula) I was thinking about how a lot of times we miss the opportunity to "lick the spoon" in our lives. How many wonderful moments, big or small, pass by without us truly savoring them and getting all that we can out of them? Usually the bigger moments we focus on making sure we get all that we can, but what about the small things? What about those moments when the unexpected goodness just pops out of nowhere? Do you take time to enjoy it? Do you lick every last morsel from the spoon? I know that sometimes I don't. 

Picture via

Thinking back over the past year and almost a half that I have had with my amazing Hubby, all of the "big moments" are truly amazing and I treasure every last one of them... but there are little moments, unexpected moments of goodness, that make me so glad I took time to lick the spoon. Times like cuddling during a rainstorm and listening to the rain, or having a giant restling match/tickle fight on the floor, or laying on our backs while Brandon patiently tries to teach me Spanish, or those gentle moments when we look into each other's eyes and feel the same way we did when we were married in the temple. Or things with my sisters like Chloe coming to me for comfort after a bad day and sitting on my lap and letting me cuddle her (something she hasn't done in a VERY long time), sitting on the couch and listening to amazing Caitlin sing and play her guitar, or laughing so hard I cry with Caitlin and my Mom at 2:00 in the morning as we're helping Caitlin finish some homework. None of those moments were planned. None of them were expected. But they are some of the most precious moments to me in the world. 

There are opportunities everywhere, everyday, in which we are given the opportunity to lick the spoon, to slow down and enjoy something small. Those moments pass so quickly, but the simple, pure joy they bring is some of the sweetest stuff you'll ever get your hands on.