Friday, November 30, 2012

So Maybe....

So maybe I suck on this "keeping up on your blog" thing, but eh. Tis life and I have still been thinking of things that I am grateful for every single day! So let me share them with you (because today is the last day of November! Where did this month go?!) Here are my "I'm thankful fors" for Days 17-30!

DAY 17
I am thankful for my husband. I know this is like one of those things where you're thinking "It took you till day 17 to be thankful for your husband?" but that is not the case. I am thankful for him every single day, I was just trying to think of maybe less obvious things that I am thankful for first. He is my everything. I love him more than I know how to say. He is so good to me and the sweetest man ever! He works so hard in everything he does. I know that he loves me just as much as I love him, and that is the best feeling ever. We are so perfect for each other some people think it's disgusting. And you know what? I don't even care :) Some people hate the mushy stuff, and that is fine, but I love it, and I love him and I love letting the world know that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him as my husband. Seriously, it doesn't get much better than that!

DAY 18
I am thankful for music. I honestly don't know what my life would be without it. It is so much a part of who I am. Music does so much for me, from helping me stay motivated during a hard work out, to helping me express emotions I may not know how to express otherwise, to making me so extremely happy, to giving me something to focus on when I have way to much to think about, and sooo much more. I love all kinds of music. I feel like there is a place in my life for every kind of music, and I am thankful for all of the different kinds. Life is boring with only one flavor :)

DAY 19
I am thankful for running. I never EVER thought that I would say that. If you had asked me how I felt about running a year ago I would have shuddered and told you that I detested it with an absolute passion. I also probably would have wanted to die after running one mile. But today I can run 6 miles and I can stand there afterwards and say "I enjoyed that." My day doesn't quite feel the same if I don't get my run in. It makes me feel good, it makes me feel accomplished, it helps me stay fit, it helps me relieve stress, and it is a time for personal growth. I am so thankful for running.

DAY 20
I am thankful for peanut butter and jelly. Proof, yet again, that I am just a 7 year old in a 22 year old's body. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. I love it even more when it's all natural peanut butter and sugar free raspberry jelly (which is what I have been frequenting as of late). It is seriously one of my favorite things. I can't really say that I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches though (since I don't eat bread) but I do love me a peanut butter and jelly "roll-up" as I call them (I use a low carb tortilla that I absolutely love). I eat one almost every morning for breakfast. Quick, easy, DELICIOUS, and satisfying. What more can I ask for?

DAY 21
I am thankful for all of the hard work my parents and grandparents have always gone through to make sure that the holidays were wonderful for me and my siblings/cousins, growing up. You never really realize how much work the holidays are until you're out of your parents house and on your own with your own traditions to start, your own house to decorate, your own dinners to make, and gifts to buy for not only your family but your spouse's, too! Don't get me wrong, I still love the holidays, but I am just now realizing how stressful and hard it can be sometimes. I never thanked my parents for the hard work. I thanked them for the gifts, for the dinners, for the special things they did for us, but I never thanked them for the time and effort that goes into those things. So now that I understand, I am thanking them. I am thankful for those experiences and the hard work they put into them.

DAY 22
Thanksgiving!!! For this day I am thankful for so many things! I am thankful that I was able to finish my race in good time and without having to stop once! I am grateful that Jen helped me see it through to the end and that she was there with me when I crossed the finish line! I am grateful that even though it is crazy and we have a billion family members to visit (which creates a lot of running around like a chicken with it's head cut off from place to place) that they are all so loving and fun to be around. It really is a blessing to have so many people that love you, even if it became "so many people" through less than desirable circumstances. I am also thankful that I was able to have the will power to stick to my diet, even on Thanksgiving! I didn't eat a single thing that I am not supposed to, but I still felt like I enjoyed myself and had my fill of yummy things :) I am thankful that I have been able to increase my self control.

DAY 23
I am thankful for my mom and my sisters. No matter what they are always there for me. I have shown up at their house more times than I can say just to hang out until Brandon got off work, or until my next class started, or to make myself some lunch, or to shower after a hard work out, or to get ready before an audition, or what have you, so many times I can't even count them. But every time I show up they are happy to see me and never make me feel like I am unwelcome or that they are too busy to talk to me. I love them so much. They mean the world to me. No matter what happens, where we go, or what we do, we will always be the four of us, the fantastic four, forever.

DAY 24
I am thankful for positive people. I am thankful that there are people in my life that can always make me smile. I am thankful that there are people that can always make me see the bright side of life. I try to be one of those people myself, but sometimes everyone needs a little pick me up, and when I do, I am thankful for those positive people :)

DAY 25
I am thankful for my house. Although I complain about it, it's in a sketchy neighborhood, and there are a lot of things that are less than desirable about it, we are really blessed to have it. It protects us from the elements, gives us a place to sleep at night, is pretty cute and charming (for the most part), and best of all, it's free. I am very grateful for that.

DAY 26
I am thankful for Cooper. For those of you who don't know, Cooper is our dog. He is a boxer/boarder collie mix, has a crap ton of energy, is a really good guard dog, and loves us so much! Even though he is a stinker and barks at everything (which is good cause he just about rips people in half that he doesn't know if they come on our property!) and can jump our 5 foot fence no problem, he is a good dog and we love him. I feel safer now that we have him and I know that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

DAY 27
I am thankful for my religion. I'm not going to get too much into it, but I am grateful that I know what I know, believe what I believe, and have what I have. I am thankful for the comfort that it gives me and for the strength it gives me during hard times. I honestly don't know what I would do without it.

DAY 28
I am thankful for the opportunity to build a relationship with my brother. He lived with his mother in California for most of our childhood and then moved in with my bio-dad in Morgan (whom I hardly see) and so we never really got to have a real "brother-sister" relationship. We kind of had a rough relationship even when we got to see each other. A lot of misunderstandings and hurt feelings that never seemed to get resolved. Recent events have led us to the point where we feel like we want to start over and try to have a real brother-sister relationship. This is hard because he is going to be living in California again, but there is still texting, calling, facebooking, and other things like that to keep us connected. I am grateful that we both decided to try again, and that we are really trying. It means a lot to me.

DAY 29
I am thankful for breakthroughs. Let me elaborate: There has been a person in my life for the past 4 years who has kind of been a torment to me. For the first year or so things were great, but then into the second year things got a little rough. I'm not sure it's anyone's fault, we just don't see things the same way, but instead of getting over it both of us have hung onto it. This person has hung onto the disdain and irritation they feel towards me and I have held onto the resentment and hurt that I have felt towards them. But yesterday after having another experience that would usually set me off into feeling upset at this person, I decided to let go. I decided not to let it affect me. I decided that it wasn't worth it to hurt anymore. That both of our lives would be better if we could just move on. I do not hate this person. I actually think that they are an amazing person with so much to share with the world, we just don't see eye to eye. I want this person to be happy just like I want to be happy, and I am glad that I have decided that they are not going to affect me negatively anymore. This is a huge breakthrough for me.

DAY 30

I am thankful for auditions. I feel like a grow so much every time I audition. I also am thankful that I feel like I did really well in all of the auditions that I have had this week. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow, the opportunity to do what I love, and the opportunity to feel like I have really done my best :) 

So here is a recap of the 30 things I am grateful for this month:

Being a theater major at WSU
my job
my husband's internship
my body and all it can do/Jen Neuman
Jim Christian/ Lucky Stiff
the country I live in 
sweatpants/musical theater literature
amazing friends
warm blankets/Hall's Vitamin C drops
5 Carols/challenges
peanut butter cookies
crock pots
great scene/duet partners
good talks with people who understand me
cell phones
my amazing husband
peanut butter and jelly roll ups
hard work from parents on holidays growing up
all of the wonderful Thanksgiving things!
my mom and sisters
positive people in my life
our house
my religion
building a relationship with my brother

There is so much to be thankful for!!!

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