Friday, November 16, 2012

A smidgen behind

I have let myself get a smidgen behind, but that has not stopped me from being thankful for things!

DAY 11
I am thankful for grandmas and all that they do for the world. The world definitely wouldn't be as great of a place without grandmas! I have some pretty freaking awesome grandmas. I am blessed through my situation to have more than just the regular four grandmas a person has once they are married. I have six grandmas! And they are all wonderful to me :) In particular, this week I am grateful for my Grandma Noreen. She has gone to Tonga to visit our cousins, who live there, for Thanksgiving. While she is gone she has been so kind as to let Brandon and I borrow her car. It has been such a huge help for us to be able to have two cars for a couple weeks :)

DAY 12
I am thankful carb free peanut butter cookies. I found the recipe online and have embellished it a little bit (the cookies from the first recipe kind of fell apart and were more like powder than cookies) and I LOVE THEM. I am especially grateful for them around this holiday season where people are eating sweets and baked goods like they are going out of style (Or out of business if you're Hostess... too soon?) and so it's nice to be able to have something that I can indulge in a bit. I can't go too crazy because they are most definitely not low fat, but they are great when you're in a low carb dilemma! Here is the recipe if you are interested :)

Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies

1 1/4 cup Almond flour
1 cup Splenda baking blend (or your zero calorie sweetener of choice)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 cup natural peanut butter 
(if the peanut butter already has salt in it then don't add salt, but if it doesn't then add 1 tsp salt)
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup butter
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Mix all dry ingredients together
Add wet ingredients
Mix well
Scoop onto cookie sheets using spoon
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes 
(time depends on how big you chose to make your cookies)
You can tell they are done when they get slightly firm around the edges. 
Let cool (or they will be super gooey) and enjoy!

DAY 13
I am thankful for crock pots. It is so great that I can leave something in a crock pot and know that when Brandon gets home it will be warm and ready for him to eat. I prefer to be there when this happens, but I can't always be, and so it's nice to know that the crock pot will take care of my husband :) I am also grateful for the extremely yummy soup that I made the on Day 13. Not to toot my own horn.... but it was really quite awesome. Here is the recipe!


4 cups beef broth (or chicken or vegetable, but beef is definitely best)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 can of a 4 oz can of tomato paste
2-3 cups chopped cabbage
1/2 yellow onion
1 cup mushrooms
1 cup zucchini
1 can green beans (drained)
1/2 teaspoon basil
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 pound ground turkey
dried onions

Put beef broth in the crock pot on High heat, let sit and warm. To speed up the process you can heat the broth in the microwave first, if you want. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet and add onions, mushrooms, and garlic. Sautee until tender then add to the broth in the crock pot. Cook the turkey with a sprinkling of dried onions in the pan. When fully cooked add it to the crock pot. Add the remaining ingredients stir well, let sit until warmed through and cabbage and zucchini are somewhat tender. ENJOY :)

DAY 14
I am thankful for hard working scene/duet partners. I have gotten so lucky and always had very hard working and devoted scene/duet partners for class. I am so grateful that they are so willing to get down to business and work hard to achieve the product that both of us know we can produce. Though I have had many of these kinds of partners, I am most currently grateful for Tanner Rampton. Man, that is one talented fellow. We sang "Run and Hide" from John and Jen for our Acting for Musical Theater class, and if I do say so myself, we kind of rocked the house. It is a great feeling to be proud of something that you put up in front of an audience. I am grateful that I was able to work with and learn from him. I hope that this isn't the last time!

DAY 15
I am thankful for talks with people who really understand me. I am not one to hide my emotions, and it generally isn't super hard to know how I am feeling because I do not try to hide it (usually), but there are just some people who get me. They know what I am thinking, how I am feeling, and what I would like to do about current situations I am in without me even saying anything. Some of these people don't even have to be within 15 miles of me and they can tell! Crazy, but true. I am grateful for these people. Our forms of communication are so simple and effortless, it is nice to not have to try to articulate what I'm thinking, cause they just already know. My husband is one of those people (well, most of the time.. lol) and that right there is a huge blessing in itself! I am so grateful for these people.

DAY 16
I am thankful for cell phones. We all have them, we're all addicted to using them, and we all know that part of us panics when we don't have ours with us. Really though, I am so grateful. I am grateful that I can contact people I need to get a hold of wherever I am, I am grateful that I can text my sweetheart while he is at work and totally have my day get that much better, I am grateful that I can be connected with my family and text and talk to people that I rarely see whenever we have the time (because speaking on the phone with different time zones doesn't always work out the greatest). I am just grateful. And though I hate my phone sometimes because it freezes and is dumb and has a will of it's own, I am grateful that I have it.

So there it is! I am caught up. More things I am grateful for will be coming soon :) Until then, keep your chin up!

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