Monday, February 27, 2012

Feeling Good :)

It's amazing to me how doing just a few simple things in your life can make you feel soooo much better! So amazing how that works. I guess those nutritionists know what they're talking about. Who knew that being healthy would make you happy too!?! Just kidding... But really. Simple things like

Drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day (event though it makes me have to pee every 5 minutes)

Exercising every day

Laughing every day (hard)

Eating frequent, healthy, small meals

Taking vitamins

Avoiding junk food

Getting enough sleep


and others, have really made a difference in how I feel about myself every single day. I feel like I am finally making some progress on my weight loss (FINALLY) and I just feel over all better.

Now, along with being a better person on the outside, I want to be a better person on the inside. I have been gathering a list of qualities that I would like to have that I have seen in the people around me, and things that I want to add to my life, and I will probably continue to add to this list, but this is what I have so far:

Morning Prayers

Personal Scripture Study (while continuing Scripture Study with my sweet husband)

Supporting, even more, my husband in all of his endeavors

Taking the opportunity everyday to serve someone around me

NO SWEARING (not even the funny ones) I have been better about this, but I can do even better than I have been.

Keeping a constant prayer in my heart

Making a list of things that I am grateful for every single day

Making sure I tell the important people in my life how much they mean to me, every single day

No negativity coming from me EVER

Doing something special/significant for my husband as frequently as possible

Realizing my abilities and allowing myself to use them for good and feel good about my work.

Now, maybe these things sound stupid, but I feel that they are important. There are many people in my life who display these qualities or do these things every day and I wish to be like them. I wish to have the positive influence on those around me that these people have had on me. If nothing else, I wish to make myself the kind of person that I would want to hang out with.

So here's to working on being a better person on the inside and the outside!

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