Tuesday, May 17, 2011


OK, I'm just going to get this out of my system, then do my best to let it go.

I have issues with my weight. I feel that I am overweight. I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror. I have always been this way.

So, I am working hard to fix it. I eat extremely healthily, I exercise vigorously every day, I drink lots of water and I do my best to stay active throughout the day.

Why then have people been giving off such weird vibes to me. And sometimes not even vibes! Sometimes people just flat out state that they think I am fat.

Such as:

"You're not supposed to be lifting weights if you're pregnant." -some random chick in my lifting class
"I'm not pregnant." -me
"oh...." -chick

"Are you pregnant?" -good friend
"no..." -me
"oh, I thought you were." -good friend

*motioning to my grapefruit and piece of chicken*
"are you eating breakfast, lunch AND dinner?" -lady in my biology class


I feel that all of these statements/conversations are extremely rude. And this isn't even all of them! I had 2 more people ask if I was pregnant and another person I know knock my eating. I don't get it....

I feel horrible about it. I just want to feel good about myself. I just want to feel pretty.

On a happier note: Brandon's shift changed at work from 9-6 to 7-3:30 (which means he is home by 4 instead of 7:00 cause he takes the train) so I get to see him more every day! I am very excited about this. Yesterday was the first day of his new schedule and it was fabulous! We were able to get stuff done around the house, mow, make dinner, and still have time for family night! It was wonderful. I love him very much. And he always make me feel good about myself. So there stupid people of the world!!! My husband thinks I'm pretty!

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