Monday, May 30, 2011

Rugged Side!

Ever since I was little I have enjoyed being a tom-boy. A tom-boy that loves dresses, but a tom-boy none the less. What I mean by this is, I like to be a girl and be feminine, but I like to do the things that boys do. Sometimes they are just more fun. When I was a kid I used to climb trees and play on the monkey bars and catch bugs and play in the dirt all in my little purple flowered sundress! hahah!

Now, not much has changed. I still enjoy doing all the things that I used to down to catching bugs, but I still love my dresses more than anything! So where is this going you ask? I will tell you!

My biological father, whom I love very much, took Brandon and me shooting on Saturday! Shooting has been a huge part of my life since I was 2, and I have loved it ever since! There is something about it that is just so much fun to me. I love every kind of shooting from shotgun trap and skeet, long range, short range, rifle, pistol, 22, 308, you name it. I love it all. There are few things that I love more than the smell of gun powder!

When Dad took us up on Saturday my cousin Macey, her husband Curtis, his twin brother Kyle, my other cousin Carson, my uncle Andy, my Grandpa Billings, my Dad, Brandon and I all showed up to have some fun! We did some shotgun shooting, some rifle shooting, and some handgun shooting. It was so much fun! We were up there for 5 hours and it didn't even feel that long! It was the perfect day for it too! Not too hot, not too cold, just enough sunshine and just enough clouds. Brandon and I got fried on our faces though. Hello tomato faces!

It was so much fun! I have missed it so much! Dad promised that he would take us up again soon, and I am so excited for that day! So here is to being a tom-boy and loving things that require you to get a little dirt on your hands!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Story Time!!!

Wanna hear a crazy story? Sweet, cause I've definitely got one.

Brandon and I ride the frontrunner and bus to school and work every day. It saves us tons of money on gas (which is fabulous considering gas prices are around $3.70-$3.80 these days!) and is better for the environment... Ok, that really has nothing to do with the reasons why we ride the bus, but it is a plus! ANYWAY, I also ride my bike to the train station, around campus, and then from the campus to the train station cause it's all down hill and ends up being faster than the bus anyway! And more fun!

SO, I'm on the bus headed to Weber State and as we're going up 25th street all of the sudden this lady that was standing on the side of the road (probably in her late 20's or early 30's) darts out IN FRONT OF THE BUS and gets hit! The bus driver slammed on his breaks and said some choice words and all of the passengers on the bus were jolted out of their seats and dropping stuff. The lady tried to stand up but fell, it looked like she had broken her leg or something, then instead of crawling off the street the way she came she crawled ACROSS THE NEXT LANE OF TRAFFIC! Not walked, crawled. In front of other cars. I was baffled! All of the passengers on the bus had to fill out accident reports and stuff and a fire truck, police car, the UTA police, and a police man on a motorcycle all came to the "scene." The lady seemed ok from what I could see except for she was holding her leg and wincing and seemed pretty out of it.

We were asked to get off of the bus and wait for the next 603 bus to Weber to pick us up. So we did. The only problem was there was no room for my bike (which had been on the front of the bus when the lady was hit and now had crooked handle bars, a crooked seat, a bent rear tire, and a crunched basket- all of which I was able to fix except for the back tire is still a little wobbly, but just barely) on the front of the bus and the driver wouldn't let me take it on the actual bus. So, only having 30 minutes to get to my class on time (not enough time to wait for the next bus and arrive in time to make it to class) I decided to hop on my bike and ride to Weber. Let me tell you what a work out that was for me. First of all, I don't do vigorous bike riding very often, second, my bike only has one gear, third, from where I was on 25th (near the little mexican restaurants and stuff) it is ALL UP HILL to Weber State. I got a fabulous work out, and then went to my class which just happened to be my Crossfit class, which just happened to be BRUTAL. I got a fabulous work out though and I am super sore today! Which is good!

So yeah, that is my crazy story for you! Hope you enjoyed it! Don't run out in front of any busses!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sometimes you just....

Life is great. Let me preface everything I'm about to say with that statement. Life is WONDERFUL and so many fabulous things are happening in my life. So many wonderful people are in my life, and I am grateful for every day that I have on this beautiful earth.

However, sometimes you get sad.

Part of the problem is probably that it's "that time of the month" for me AND I'm on birth control so my hormones are a little whacked. Not too terribly, but a little bit. So, with that said, don't judge me too bad on what I'm about to whine about. Ok? Ok. Thanks.

I miss using the gifts I have been given. Luckily, Brandon and I have auditioned for a show and hopefully we'll get to be in it. That, however, only dims the "missing." I miss singing in a choir. I miss painting beautiful pictures (or even just painting something even if it turns out like crap). I miss drawing. I miss playing the piano. I miss acting (I still get to be in shows, but not nearly as often as I used to). I miss it all. Very much. And part of me thinks "well if you miss it so much, just do it." And that makes sense to me, but there are some things you just have to do and sometimes those things don't leave much time for ALL of the things you want to do, just some. I am blessed to be able to be in shows (and hopefully the show we auditioned for), to take voice lessons during the fall and spring semesters, and to dance every week at my studio. I am so grateful for those opportunities to use my gifts and develop talents. Sometimes you just miss things though... and I do.

I also am discouraged about my efforts on my weight loss. I'm still working on it, but I'm going through a lull and also having a hard time with self control as far as eating goes (thank you "that time of the month"). That's all I'm going to say. I whine enough about my weight.

As well as those other things, there is a class I am taking... Animal Biology... in which the professor is insane and likes to give a giant test every other week. This class only meets tuesdays and thursdays for two and a half hours and we have a test every other week. It's insanity. I have taken a total of 32 pages of copious, single spaced, 12 point font, edge to edge, full paragraph notes in 6 class periods. RIDICULOUS. It's killin me.

I feel like I really need to make an effort to do the things that make me happy instead of doing the things that I feel I need to do. I do both already, but I think there needs to be more of a balance. Or I need to use my time more wisely. Or something.

I am grateful for the time I get to spend with Brandon lately though. He has changed shifts at work and now works 7 - 3:30 and is home by 4:00 instead of 9 - 6 and home at 7:00. It is fabulous to have that extra time with him. He is the best husband in the world. I love him more than anything.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I saw this on a friends blog and shamelessly stole it. I think everyone should read it and it has a lot of things I need to work on embedded in it. Therefore, sorry Bailee, I am posting it to my blog. LOVE IT.

Upon reading this I have realized that there are some things in my life that I need to seriously work on. I don't feel the need to share those things with everyone, I just want this moment to look back on and remind myself that I decided to work on being a better person on this day. I can do it. I know that I can. I can make life better for myself and those around me. I can be the person I want to be. I CAN LIVE.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


OK, I'm just going to get this out of my system, then do my best to let it go.

I have issues with my weight. I feel that I am overweight. I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror. I have always been this way.

So, I am working hard to fix it. I eat extremely healthily, I exercise vigorously every day, I drink lots of water and I do my best to stay active throughout the day.

Why then have people been giving off such weird vibes to me. And sometimes not even vibes! Sometimes people just flat out state that they think I am fat.

Such as:

"You're not supposed to be lifting weights if you're pregnant." -some random chick in my lifting class
"I'm not pregnant." -me
"oh...." -chick

"Are you pregnant?" -good friend
"no..." -me
"oh, I thought you were." -good friend

*motioning to my grapefruit and piece of chicken*
"are you eating breakfast, lunch AND dinner?" -lady in my biology class


I feel that all of these statements/conversations are extremely rude. And this isn't even all of them! I had 2 more people ask if I was pregnant and another person I know knock my eating. I don't get it....

I feel horrible about it. I just want to feel good about myself. I just want to feel pretty.

On a happier note: Brandon's shift changed at work from 9-6 to 7-3:30 (which means he is home by 4 instead of 7:00 cause he takes the train) so I get to see him more every day! I am very excited about this. Yesterday was the first day of his new schedule and it was fabulous! We were able to get stuff done around the house, mow, make dinner, and still have time for family night! It was wonderful. I love him very much. And he always make me feel good about myself. So there stupid people of the world!!! My husband thinks I'm pretty!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I couldn't be happier!

5 months have passed since my sweetheart (love of my life, honey bear, best friend, etc) and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the temple! Such a magnificent day! I can't think of any time that I have been happier. Since that time our love for each other has only grown. Our friendship has strengthened, too, as well as life just getting better and better every day! I honestly can say that I am the happiest I have ever been, and every day that I spend with Brandon is the new best day of my life. I love him so much. Not to sound conceited, but I definitely think we are a perfect couple. If ever there was such a thing, we're it. Not to brag... it's just true!

Also, Breanne and Addison Welch have also been married for 5 months! They were married two days after Brandon and I (December 13th) and are insanely happy from what I can tell! I am so happy for them. They are another couple that I think was a match made in heaven. They are perfect for each other and their love is real and beautiful.

So here is to two happy couples celebrating their 5 month-aversaries! Yay for being in love!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebrations all around!

Oh my goodness!!!! So many wonderful things happening this time of year! Also, so many fabulous friends to celebrate them with! We have had such a fun week, and I'm here to tell you ALL ABOUT IT! hahah!

First celebration I'm going to mention was our celebration of National Star Wars day on May the fourth (May the fourth be with you! hahahah!) It was a lot of fun! Brandon and I wore our star wars t-shirts and invited a bunch of friends to hang out and watch the Star Wars movies (the old ones, cause the new ones are only mediocre) Cameron Kapetenov was nice enough to let us party at his house! It was so much fun! We had cinnamon rolls to represent Princess Leia's hair, powdered doughnuts to represent the beginning of The Empire Strikes back, barbeque and regular chips to signify the dark and light sides of the force, teddy grams because they look like ewoks and a bunch of other stuff that we somehow connected to Star Wars! Caleb and Morgan Perry, Nate Waite, Gerard Howells (who is now mine and Brandon's cousin cause we're adopting him as such lol!) Rick Rea, Josh (whose last name I do not know), Rachel Shull and Cam, me, and Brandon were all there! It was so much fun! These people are so awesome and I love hanging out with them. We snacked and watched The Empire Strikes Back, and then watched some Family Guy parody's of Star Wars. It was super fun and we all had a great time! Brandon and I were there so late that we just crashed and Cam's and left the next morning! hahaha We're so awesome.

The next day was Cinco de Mayo! I did not attend any parties or anything, but Caitlin and I had dance that night and after dance we went to Taco Bell to get some food! I felt the celebration was more than adequate, and then concluded with blasting music super loud and jamming out all the way home! I just have to say that I love doing random stuff like that with my sister. She will always be one of my bestest friends in the entire world. I love her so much.

Yet another celebration that occurred was Off The Wall Improv (the improv troop Brandon and I play with) had their 8th Birthday show! Whoot! It was a hilarious show. The sad thing is that it was Nate Waite's last time playing. It's for a good cause though. He is going on a mission!!!! To Orlando Florida! I'm so happy and excited for him. It's gonna be a bummer not having him at improv though. He is probably one of the funniest people on the troop.

Brandon and I took time to celebrate our marriage by having a date night, too! On saturday we did tons of yard work and then rewarded ourselves by going to dinner at Costa (obviously our favorite, since we go there ALL THE TIME!) and then going to see the new Marvel movie "Thor." It was epic! I loved it. Thor has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters and I'm so glad that they did it justice! It was a very well done movie! I'm so excited for Captain America and all of the other Marvel movies that are coming out! They all look fabulous!!!! I'm such a nerd!

Sunday was a big day for a lot of people. Not only was it Mother's Day, but it was Nate Waite's farewell talk. His poor mom... His talk was really great. He was able to be more serious than I have seen him in a very long time. Possibly ever. He was still funny Nate that he has always been, but I was definitely able to see a change in him . A growth from where he was before. I'm very proud of him. I know that he will be a great missionary!

As mentioned before, Sunday was Mother's day! I have always loved Mother's Day. It's nice to be able to celebrate your mom and all that she does for you. I mean... there are few things more strenuous than birthing a child and raising it! Thanks mom for doing it for me! I love you! To celebrate Mother's day Brandon and I made the rounds to all of the mom's and grandmas that are in the state and reachable. First we visited Grandma Billings (we were supposed to see Amy- my step mom- there, but it didn't work out, so we left her gift there for her and we're going to go visit her sometime this week), then we went to my mom's and had dinner and Grandma Dennis/Smith came so that was fun that we got to see her, then we went to Colleen's and visited with her, CJ, Tanya, Jace, and Lexi (Gavin's girlfriend) and talked to Gavin on the phone (he comes home in like 14 days!) then we went to Cris and Steve's and had dessert, and finally we went to Grandma Sherri's and visited with her and Grandpa Jim for a while. It was a FULL DAY! But it was a lot of fun. And it was necessary that we got to see all of those wonderful women. Especially our real mothers. I love them so much. They have done so much for us and continue to do so. I love them so much.

Also for Mother's day, Brandon told me that he wanted to get me a bike! I've been wanting a bike for a long time, and so for my "future mother of my children" (this does NOT mean I am pregnant! It simply means that someday we will have children, and I will be their mother. The End.) gift from brandon he took me out to get a bike. We spent a few hours shopping, but eventually came home with a beautiful seafoam green and creamish yellow beach cruiser! I'm so excited! It's exactly what I wanted. Thank you honey for my bike!!!!

As I mentioned before, Gavin comes home in two weeks! So crazy! I am super excited to see him though. The last time I saw him he was in high school with me and he knew that I had a crush on Brandon. In fact, he TOLD Brandon that I had a crush on him. I wanted to kill him. But hey, it all ended up fantastically, so I guess I can't be too mad. Gavin is a crazy kid. I love him though. He hasn't even experienced me being married to his brother, yet he treats me like I am part of the family and already calls me his sister. Our conversation on the phone was really fun and it was good to talk to him. I feel like he and I are going to be close. Which is good! Such wonderful things to celebrate!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Such awesomeness it's hard to contain it!

Let me just say, this weekend was awesome. Yet again, I am reminded how lucky I am! I have the most fabulous husband and we have so much fun together!!!!!!!

Friday we were able to go to a two of our friend's wedding reception. They have been married for a while, but were sealed in the temple on Friday and so they had a party to celebrate! So excited for them!!!!! Congratulations Hill family!

We also got to go to improv on Friday night. Brandon got to play in the show and the show was HILARIOUS. So much fun. Afterwards we went to Rick Rea's house with a bunch of people and a bunch of junk food (of which I only ate a very little bit because I was STARVING!) and watched a movie. It was good to hang out and have some fun with our friends.

Saturday, however, was even better than Friday! We got to sleep in and just cuddle and such in bed until noon! Then we got up and made ourselves a massive breakfast of waffles with strawberries for Brandon and grapefruit, strawberries, and yogurt for me, which was delicious!

We then readied ourselves in our finest apparel and headed off to the temple! We went to the Bountiful Temple this time, since our beloved Ogden Temple is now closed for the face lift and the Salt Lake one was just too much of a drive for us that day. The temple is always something I enjoy. We had such a refreshing time. It was much needed. And can I just say, the sun gleaming through the window of the Celestial Room is probably one of THE MOST GORGEOUS things I have ever seen. Love it.

After our session at the temple, we went to Costa Vida (always a favorite! I could eat it every day! But then I would be even fatter!!!) and enjoyed a nice dinner together. It was a lot of fun to just relax and not worry about cooking or clean up or the dreaded sink full of dishes. And Costa is just awesome. And to make it even better we had a coupon! So Brandon's burrito was "free!" Score!

For desert (I know I know, I'm supposed to be on a diet, but my "summer break" is over as of Monday cause I'm doing summer semester at school... So I needed one last hoorah before the final smack down on the diet) we went to Orange Leaf frozen yogurt! Can I just say, it is extremely delicious. I read about it on my friend's blog (it's one of their favorites) and we were right by it so we decided to hit it up! It was definitely worth it! A very good last hoorah!

When we got home we went on a super long walk from our house, all through Layton city park, to my grandparent's house, and then home. It was so much fun. We fed the ducks a bit and had a lot of fun. My favorite part of feeding the ducks was when there was a duck that was above some rapids in the river and he was swimming away from them. I said to him "if you swim down the rapids I'll give you a piece of bread." He immediately turned around and swam down the rapids! So I gave him bread. Yes, the ducks understand English. Or at least that one does! We also saw Natalie Portman (the black swan) hahah I'm so funny!

The day was fabulous! And today has been great too! Church was awesome, the 3 hour nap we took was awesome, the dinner we made together was awesome (consisting of left over ham, and thanks to Bountiful Baskets, mashed red potatoes, corn on the cob, salad made with spinach and romaine lettuce with celery, carrots, onions, avocados, and tomatoes in it, and fruit salad made with mangos, bananas, strawberries, grapes, honeydew, and apples! So yummy!) the walk we took through Layton park was awesome, the pictures we took are awesome, and just chillin at home with my honey while I type this and he plays his guitar is awesome!

I LOVE MY LIFE! I am so happy I can hardly stand it! I wish this happiness for everyone. Everyone should be able to feel the same joy in their own life! Love you all!!!