Friday, April 29, 2011

A few things to appreciate!

First of all, let me just say LIFE IS FABULOUS!!!! Of course there are ups and downs, but seriously, life is freaking great. I love my life and I love my husband sooooooooo much! Here are a few stupendous things that have happened lately!

Easter!!! Can I just say I love Easter. It's such a happy time, with such beauty and so much hope for the future. I was able to wear my new Easter dress (which I was worried I wouldn't have because I didn't know if we could afford to keep up the tradition of having new Easter clothes, but I found one for cheap! AND it's vintage!!!!) to church and to family dinner. It was so much fun. We got to see Colleen (Brandon's mom), my mom, and Steve and Cris (Brandon's dad and step-mom). Unfortunately we weren't able to see my dad and his family, but I saw him a couple days before and got to see him a couple days later at my cousin's wedding, so I guess it was ok. It was so much fun to see everyone! And my mom gave us the BEST EASTER GIFT EVER!!!! We now have a new addition to the family!!! Cookie! She is a freakin cute and sweet guinea pig whom I am already extremely attached to. I love her so much. Seriously. Brandon loves her too!

Another wonderful, happy, beautiful thing that happened this week is my cousin Macey got married!!!! She is my closest female cousin and I love her so much. I am sooo happy for her! Her sealing was beautiful and I am so happy that Brandon and I were able to be in the temple with her and Curtis. I am so glad that Macey and Curtis are married! It has been a long time coming and I am so glad they have each other. They are seriously perfect for one another. Macey looked beautiful and Curtis looked very handsome. Their wedding was beautiful and all of the things surrounding it also. Loved every second!

Summer Break is almost over for me.... Bummer right?!?! I mean.... One week just doesn't seem to be enough. And let me tell you what: It isn't. However, as far as weeks go this has been a pretty darn good one, and I am grateful that my one week off of school has been so wonderful! It's back to school for me on Monday, and I am just going to have to buckle down and get it done! It's going to be good for me. However, I'm not sure summer semester will be happening next year... hahaha.... Too much school for Lindsea. Part of me is excited though. This summer is going to be busy and full of wonderful things! I think I'm going to like having stuff to do every single day of summer instead of just sitting around for 90% of it. If I don't like it, at least I will have given it a try!

There is one more thing I just have to say! I LOVE DANCING! Like, real dancing. I go to my studio once a week and dance for 3 hours. It is fabulous. I wish I could go more often, but it's in Salt Lake and there is just not enough dinero to pay for two trips to Salt Lake and back every week. So for now, I will just have to be satisfied with one. And I am! Jen Nueman, the choreographer for my dance company, is FREAKING FABULOUS. She is so talented and such a wonderful person to be around. I love her so much. I also love all of the people in the company with me. I have such a great relationship with them and love them so much. We have a great time together. And let me just say that there are some freakishly talented people in this group! So much talent! It's a joy to be a part of it, even if I'm not quite up to that level! I love dancing. I danced my butt off last night and I definitely am feeling it today. But how great is that!? Feeling the soreness from something great you have accomplished. There are very few things that give me that kind of satisfaction. LOVE IT!

Love today! Love life! Love everything!!!!!!

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