Friday, April 29, 2011

A few things to appreciate!

First of all, let me just say LIFE IS FABULOUS!!!! Of course there are ups and downs, but seriously, life is freaking great. I love my life and I love my husband sooooooooo much! Here are a few stupendous things that have happened lately!

Easter!!! Can I just say I love Easter. It's such a happy time, with such beauty and so much hope for the future. I was able to wear my new Easter dress (which I was worried I wouldn't have because I didn't know if we could afford to keep up the tradition of having new Easter clothes, but I found one for cheap! AND it's vintage!!!!) to church and to family dinner. It was so much fun. We got to see Colleen (Brandon's mom), my mom, and Steve and Cris (Brandon's dad and step-mom). Unfortunately we weren't able to see my dad and his family, but I saw him a couple days before and got to see him a couple days later at my cousin's wedding, so I guess it was ok. It was so much fun to see everyone! And my mom gave us the BEST EASTER GIFT EVER!!!! We now have a new addition to the family!!! Cookie! She is a freakin cute and sweet guinea pig whom I am already extremely attached to. I love her so much. Seriously. Brandon loves her too!

Another wonderful, happy, beautiful thing that happened this week is my cousin Macey got married!!!! She is my closest female cousin and I love her so much. I am sooo happy for her! Her sealing was beautiful and I am so happy that Brandon and I were able to be in the temple with her and Curtis. I am so glad that Macey and Curtis are married! It has been a long time coming and I am so glad they have each other. They are seriously perfect for one another. Macey looked beautiful and Curtis looked very handsome. Their wedding was beautiful and all of the things surrounding it also. Loved every second!

Summer Break is almost over for me.... Bummer right?!?! I mean.... One week just doesn't seem to be enough. And let me tell you what: It isn't. However, as far as weeks go this has been a pretty darn good one, and I am grateful that my one week off of school has been so wonderful! It's back to school for me on Monday, and I am just going to have to buckle down and get it done! It's going to be good for me. However, I'm not sure summer semester will be happening next year... hahaha.... Too much school for Lindsea. Part of me is excited though. This summer is going to be busy and full of wonderful things! I think I'm going to like having stuff to do every single day of summer instead of just sitting around for 90% of it. If I don't like it, at least I will have given it a try!

There is one more thing I just have to say! I LOVE DANCING! Like, real dancing. I go to my studio once a week and dance for 3 hours. It is fabulous. I wish I could go more often, but it's in Salt Lake and there is just not enough dinero to pay for two trips to Salt Lake and back every week. So for now, I will just have to be satisfied with one. And I am! Jen Nueman, the choreographer for my dance company, is FREAKING FABULOUS. She is so talented and such a wonderful person to be around. I love her so much. I also love all of the people in the company with me. I have such a great relationship with them and love them so much. We have a great time together. And let me just say that there are some freakishly talented people in this group! So much talent! It's a joy to be a part of it, even if I'm not quite up to that level! I love dancing. I danced my butt off last night and I definitely am feeling it today. But how great is that!? Feeling the soreness from something great you have accomplished. There are very few things that give me that kind of satisfaction. LOVE IT!

Love today! Love life! Love everything!!!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


It's official! I am done with finals for Spring 2011!!!! Yay!!!! Hopefully I get good grades on my tests and do well in my classes. The Lord has helped me out a ton this semester. I'm grateful I survived the it.

This semester has been such a learning experience for me. I have learned a lot about who I am, what I truly want for my life, and what I'm willing to do to get there. I am proud to say that I am satisfied with all of my findings and am excited for what lies ahead for me. I am also excited that I get a week off of school!

Yes, only a week.

I am doing summer semester this summer. Part of me is thinking, "What the crap are you doing Linds?!?!" and the other part of me is thinking, "Good things will come of this, and though it will be hard, you're going to be one step closer to the final product." I'm actually quite excited about summer semester. I'm finishing up my generals and will have my associates by the end of the summer! I also am taking two PE classes (cross train and strength training... hard!) so I will be doing vigorous work outs four days a week and working out by myself the other days! I'm really excited about that. Imma be ripped! Whoot! (P.S. I have already lost 8 pounds!!!)

I'm excited about what lies ahead for me in my degree too. I'm continuing in the Musical Theater major and adding a Business minor. It's going to be a heck of a lot of work! The Musical Theater major is so big and demanding that it doesn't require a minor and the Business minor is so big that it is one class away from being a major. I definitely have my work cut out for me. But anything worth having is worth working for, and my education is definitely worth having. I'm so excited!!!!!!! I've already registered for theater and business classes for fall semester and am super stoked about it!

Good things are happening. I feel good about life. Actually, I love life. And I love my husband. And I love eating healthy. And I love being happy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wonderful Wonderful!

This weekend was kickin! There were so many things that were wonderful and made me so happy!!!!!

On Friday, Brandon and I were able to go help out a friend with one of her final projects for a photography class! We got to be models for birthday cards with cakes and stuff. It was really fun and we got free cake out of it! And though I am on a diet, I don't count the cake that I ate cause I was helping a friend! Then, Brandon and I went to subway and I got a turkey sandwich with no cheese and no dressings. It was yummy, but I have never realized how much of a difference cheese makes on a sandwich. Brandon played improv with OTW that night and the show was SUPER funny! I was proud of my baby. He's a hottie!

Saturday morning I weighed myself and despite the cake I ate (which didn't count anyway!) I have lost 7 pounds! I am so excited! Eating healthy and taking time to be a little more active than usual really does help. I'm excited to see what happens to my weight when I start my vigorous work outs that I have planned for the summer!!!! We took time that day to go to the Salt Lake temple with my grandma and my cousin who lives in Tennessee! It was so good to see him and to spend time with him and grandma. It was a lot of fun. The Salt Lake temple is AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS. I have heard that it is beautiful but I didn't know that it was THAT beautiful on the inside. Such a wonderful experience. Grandma, Brandon, and I made a goal to do a session in every single temple in Utah! I'm excited to complete that goal! I've already got 3 down. Only 11 more to go? I think it's 11... Grandma took us to the Garden Room Restaurant (on the top of the Joseph Smith Building) and treated us to lunch. It was SO YUMMY. Seriously. I had a really yummy shrimp and strawberry salad. Very yummy.

Also, on Saturday, we had our Paro-Glee show for OTW in Draper. It was sooooo much fun! Even though the show in Ogden was fantastic and super fun and funny this show was even better!!! So much fun! And we got some really yummy popcorn afterwards. It was a super fun performance and just a good time all around. We went to Village Inn afterwards and I only ate some left overs of someone's pancakes so I felt ok about it. I was hungry!

Sunday was, in a word, wonderful. Just a super relaxing, fun, easy going day with my sweetheart. We went to church, came home, made lunch, took a shower, took a long nap (which was much needed since we were out until 3:00 am the night before) made some dinner, went on a walk, then relaxed outside on the porch and enjoyed the rest of the lovely evening. When it got to dark and cold to sit outside anymore we watched a movie: Megamind! So funny. I love that movie. It was such a wonderful day. Brandon makes me so happy. We don't have to do crazy expensive things to have a good time, just being together is enough. I love it.

I have also registered for Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 semesters! I'm excited about summer semester because I am taking 2 physical education classes (so I am going to be SKINNY!) and the rest of my generals! So by the end of the summer I will be DONE WITH MY GENERAL EDUCATION CLASSES! Praise heaven! I'm so excited. Associates Degree here I come! I am taking 12 credits this summer and around 17 credits this fall. The fall classes are all Theater and Business classes. It's gonna be super hard to buckle down and get it done, but super worth it. I know that I can do it! I'm so ready to just get it all done :)

On a less happy note, I have acquired some kind of cold. I am super congested and my throat feels a little tight and swollen. Yay, my favorite. Hopefully it was pass quickly so that I can get on with my summer without feeling like crap. Also, it is finals week... Blah... It's almost done though. Almost done... Just hold on a little longer!!!!! I really hope I pass my sociology class..... I'm really nervous that I am not going to pass it. But I hope I am!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just a few things

So this is a super random post for no other reason than I am trying to keep myself busy (and distract myself from over thinking little things that are freaking me out just a tiny bit) while I am home alone. First, let me establish that I am a big girl and am usually not afraid of being home alone. I usually am just fine and sometimes even enjoy it. Today, however, is not one of those days. I have been home since noon and will be home alone until 9:30 tonight.... Usually Brandon comes home right after work and he's usually in the door by 6:45, which is fabulous! But tonight he had to go work on a project for a final in one of his classes. So here I am. Home alone.

I'm not going to say that I didn't take advantage of my time alone in the house. I went on a nice walk while the sun was shining beautifully and I didn't even have to wear a jacket! Short sleeves baby! It was great. I've come to really love going on walks, and love to go on one every day!

I also broke out my paints and brushes and started a painting. I have decided to paint a picture of our cabin (where we are living, incase you were confused). It's so picturesque and quaint. I love it. The yard still needs a ton of work and is not so picturesque at this moment in time, but it has been in the past, and will be in the future. So, in my painting I am painting how the house will look when we get the yard and such cleaned up. I'm excited about it and hope it turns out (both the yard and the painting! haha). It felt so good to hold a paint brush again. It's been far too long since last I painted. Hopefully it will become a common 0ccurence like it used to be.

Painting for four hours kind of wears on you after a while, so after I had had my fill of painting and jamming out to the Xanadu Broadway soundtrack, I decided to take a break by watching Tangled. Yes, I'm sometimes pathetic. It's ok. I love that movie so freaking much. It seriously makes me so happy. Kudos to Disney for making such a fabulous film. And thank you mom for letting us have the DVD that came with your BluRay! So yes, I watched Tangled alone, cuddled up in my bed, which incidentally is not as much fun or comforting without my hubby, with a bag of almonds to snack on, and listened to the storm roll in.

Now, the movie is over, it's getting dark, my house is freezing, and there are some weird noises on my roof. I'm sure it's just a bird or something, but still... kinda freaking me out. (side note: the spell check says Xanadu and BluRay are wrong, but doesn't think "kinda" is wrong... My spell check is so hip) I know everything will be fine and that I live in a good neighborhood and such, but I would just feel better if Brandon would come home quickly. It's just one of those days.

On another note, I am still doing well with my eating healthy stuff! I had a delicious lunch of strawberries, grapefruit, almonds, and turkey and have been snacking on almonds and dried apricots to keep my blood sugar up but not over do it. I feel good. Eating healthy does that to a person. AND I've already lost 4 pounds. Heeeeee! I can do this. Only 26 pounds to go. Hahaha.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


There are so many things that go into living a "healthy lifestyle." There the basics such as eating well, exercise, getting adequate sleep, taking vitamins, drinking water, good hygene, etc... and then there are the other basics that include smiling, laughing, loving, goofing off, learning, good conversations, hard work, sunshine, and great company.

As previously stated in the random ramblings of me, I am working my butt off to live a more healthy lifestyle and drop some serious poundage. My projected goal is 30 pounds by August 20th. I know I can do it and feel that I am on the right track. I ate really healthy meals yesterday, drank lots of water, and went on 3 decent walks throughout the day. I also cleaned my whole kitchen, which really has nothing to do with "being healthy" but is still very important and needed to be done!

Aside from doing all the physical things of a healthy life I am so grateful to say that the "other basics" are being covered in my life as well. My mom and I spend a few hours every Tuesday together. We don't usually do anything specific, but we always have a good time, and we always enjoy each other's company. Today we were able to have a good long talk about a bunch of different topics, hang out at her house for a bit, and run to Costco for some healthy snackies! I'm a snacker because I'm hypoglycemic and when my blood sugar gets low I crash and burn. So my mom helped me find some healthy snacks to keep me going throughout the day! We bought dried apricots (LOVE), acai berries, strawberries, and almonds. She also bought some fun noodles and gardening gloves that she was kind enough to share with me! I'm pretty excited.
I love hanging out with my mom. It's nice because even when I was living with her I didn't really see her that often because I was insanely busy and she was at work during the day. Now that both of our schedules are considerably different we are fortunate enough to have more time to talk and enjoy each other's company. Also, it is nice to be able to see my sisters. I am usually with mom when she picks them up from school on Tuesdays and it's nice to see them for a bit. Sometimes I really miss them.

Another thing contributing to my "healthy living" is my darling husband Brandon. I know if any of you read my blog you are probably sick of me talking about him and how wonderful he is. Well you're just going to have to deal! When a guy is as freaking awesome as my husband is, you just HAVE to talk about him! Brandon makes me smile every day. He also makes me laugh every day. Oh, and he makes me fall even more in love with him EVERY SINGLE DAY. He is that amazing. I love spending time with him. Even simple things like going on walks or cuddling and talking about our days just bring us closer together. He is my everything.
What a joy to live such a healthy life! I am so blessed to be living the life that I do, surrounded by such amazing people, in such a beautiful place. I am truly blessed and hope that the Lord knows that I am grateful for every single tiny blessing that he has given me. With such beauty all around me how can I not smile!?!

Love you all!!! Hope your day is wonderful!

Oh, and P.S. Yesterday marks month 4 of being married to the most wonderful man I know! Happy four-month-versary honey!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good things come to those who work for them

I feel good today! Very good. Which is nice, cause last week was rough on me!

General Conference was so uplifting. Although I didn't go in with a specific question or problem that I needed an answer to I still felt that so much of each talk was relevant to me and my life. I love General Conference. Seriously. I love the Apostles and the Prophet. They are all such amazing men and such great examples to me. The spirit I felt during conference was much needed. I needed that pick up. I am so glad that I can rely on the Lord to tell me the things that I need to hear. I am so grateful that I know that he loves me and wants me to be happy. I love this gospel.

I am also grateful that I know he answers prayers. I have been kicking my own butt with memorizing my scene for Romeo and Juliet auditions. It has been rough for me and I was getting super discouraged. Memorizing a 10 minute (6 page) Shakespeare scene in 5 days is ROUGH. Especially when the majority of the scene is filled with 2 or 3 super long monologues. But thanks to the help of the lord I was able to do it! My audition is today and Jesse and I feel great about it. I know that I have done all I can to prepare for this audition and that all I can do now is go in there and give the best audition I can give. The rest is up to Tracy, and with all the different options for every single character (there are so many ways she could go!) I know she will pick the best person for each part, even if that person is not me :) She always does. Whatever is meant to happen, will happen.

Another thing that has lightened my mood is my new resolve to get on my feet and do something about my weight. I have been trying for a while to do so, but I finally have the means and opportunity to do what I need to do. I went to the gym yesterday and rode the eliptical for 30 minutes, had a really healthy dinner of chicken and asparagus, and had a grapefruit for breakfast this morning. I am planning on doing some weight lifting, or maybe cardio again, today to keep up my exercising. I know I'm going to have to work harder than I have in the past, but I feel that it is worth it.

Also, I am wearing yellow today! Particularly a yellow dress. Two of my favorite things. Yellow and dresses! It is also a super comfortable yellow dress that makes me feel good. So that is helping me out today too! I'm glad that I don't feel too chubby to wear it. It's one of my favorites!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tell me I can beat this

So... I was listening to the radio and there was a "quit smoking help line" add or something, and I was surprised at how much I feel I relate to a smoker at this point in my life. The reasons are as follows:

1. I fear I formed a habit (maybe more than one) that I'm trying to kick.
2. I do not like how this habit makes me feel, look, etc...
3. I want to kick it, but I need some solid help.
4. I know it's bad for me, and I know I'll be happier without it, yet it's engrained in me and I don't know how to get rid of it.

I don't remember exactly how the commercial went, but it said something along the lines of, "Smoking was something I
had tried to rid from my life for a long time, but until the smoking quit-line I just couldn't stick with it. It's nice to have someone there who is strong and helps you through your cravings or moments of weakness. I know that there is always someone I can turn to to help me become the person I want to be."


I was astounded. Maybe that's what I need. No, I know that's what I need. I need someone I can talk to when I need encouragement, or when I am feeling like I am the chubbiest girl in the world and want to cry myself to sleep, or when all my cute little friends eat cookies and Burger King and candy and pizza ALL THE TIME and offer it to me or give me some or get me something just because they are kind. I have cute little friends that tell me they'll help me out or "be good" with me and eat only healthy things, but then I see them the next day and they're eating McDonalds and rice crispy treats, and I'm not going to tell them what they can and can't eat, but it makes it hard on me. I just need some support. My mom has been a great support to me, but sometimes it's hard for me to talk to her about it... because I need encouragement A LOT, and I know it makes her uncomfortable sometimes when I bring up my insecurity about my weight. So, as much as I love her and she supports me, I just need something else.

One thing she is TOTALLY right about though is, I need to forget about the excuses. I need to stop making them and JUST DO IT. Just make what I want to happen, happen. I have to say though, it is hard.

I have never had this hard of a time doing this either. Maybe this is an excuse, but I'm fairly positive that it has some
thing to do with the birth control I'm on. I am on the NuvaRing and since I got married I have gained 12 pounds! HOLY CRAP! Not OK. And I feel like I have to constantly eat. I don't constantly eat, but I definitely could. Which is weird, cause I've never been like that before. I've always been the kind of person that could eat a little and be satisfied but could eat a lot if she wanted to. Thus, I'm thinking it might be the birth control. Maybe I should switch birth controls??? I dunno.

Can you see the difference??? I can.

Anyway, I know I sound so pathetic and like a whiney baby, but what are blogs for if not to say how you really feel? So I don't really feel that bad about this debbie downer post.

On a happier note, I have pretty awesome friends. Even though we don't really
hang out, Bailee and Elise have been such blessings in my life this week. I love them so much. They are two of the most beautiful girls I know, inside and out, and such sweethearts. They have given me so much encouragement and been there to listen to me when I need to vent. Thank you girls for being amazing. They help me remember what is truly beautiful about a woman, and what is truly important too. They are so amazing. I really need to remember who I really am, and let that effect my life more than my weight does.

"This too shall pass."
"I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, who loves me, and I love him."

Friday, April 1, 2011

Things that make life wonderful

In no specific order, these are some of the things that I think make life wonderful:

- Working really hard for something you really want.
- Slowly, but surely, conquering Shakespeare.
- Knowing exactly who you are.
- Having someone you know will love you through thick and thin.
- Having that same someone think you're the prettiest girl in the world.
- Knowing that whatever happens, it's going to be OK.
- Discovering the motivation you've been searching for.
- Sleeping in an extra hour and waking up to a beautiful day.
- Realizing you aren't too chubby to wear one of your favorite dresses.
- Developing talents you didn't know you had (or have always wanted to have).
- Having curly hair.
- Being able to say no to something you really want but is bad for you.
- Feeling confident.
- Knowing you are loved.
- Striving to find the beauty in every little thing.

Life is good! I hope all is well for all of you!